If the Holy Family Rosary is indeed a prayer to the Holy Family recited on a rosary, it should be distinguished from the Holy Family rosary. Indeed, the latter is recited on a specific rosary while the Holy Family rosary simply requires an ordinary rosary and follows the principles of the Marian rosary prayer, that is, the recitation of prayers and the meditation on passages from the Gospel (mysteries).
How can we recite the rosary of the Holy Family?
The sequence of the rosary of the Holy Family is the same as that of the rosary:
- The Apostles' Creed
- I believe in God
- Our Father
- 3 Hail Marys
- Glory be to the Father
Then, for each decade:
- Our Father
- 10 Hail Marys
- Glory be to the Father, followed if one desires the prayer of Fatima
(Find the complete sequence of the prayer of the Rosary, as well as the text of the various prayers)
The rosary of the Holy Family also includes the 4 sets of mysteries (each set being the subject of a complete rosary): the joyful mysteries, the luminous mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, and the glorious mysteries. The difference between the rosary of the Holy Family and the Marian rosary lies in the way these mysteries are contemplated.
How to meditate on the mysteries of the rosary of the Holy Family?
The Holy Family is composed of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. If Saint Joseph is present in the joyful mysteries that evoke the birth and childhood of Jesus, he was no longer there throughout the public life of Christ and during his passion. Therefore, we cannot fully contemplate these mysteries through their perspectives, as we can meditate on how these different mysteries have influenced the life of the Holy Family and are a source of life for our families today.
Meditate on the joyful mysteries with the holy family
We can begin this first series of mysteries by remembering how the birth of Jesus is also part of a human lineage: Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:16)
- Mystery of the Annunciation: The angel came to announce to Mary that she was going to get pregnant, but also to Joseph, in a dream. So we can meditate on how to welcome and support the vocations and paths of each one within the family through this decade.
- Mystery of the Visitation: This mystery prompts us to set out to go to the other; Mary and Joseph have repeatedly set out, setting aside their comfort. We can meditate with them on the need for each family to remain open to others, not to close in on themselves.
- Mystery of the nativity: This mystery is the very mystery of the Holy Family that allows us to contemplate it in all its beauty and simplicity. Through it, we can ask for the grace to always be amazed by the mystery of life and for families to always be spaces of welcome.
- Mystery of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple: Here we contemplate the spirit of obedience and purity that animated the Holy Family. It invites us to welcome God's presence in our families.
- Mystery of the Recovery of Jesus in the Temple: Mary, Joseph and Jesus call us to be pilgrims, on the move, who continually walk and seek God.
Meditate on the Luminous Mysteries with the Holy Family
The luminous mysteries are related to the public life of Jesus and begin with the baptism of Jesus. Meditating on them with the holy family reminds us that God's plan is great and that what blooms can come from a seed sown a long time ago and the patient and loving care that has been given to it.
“This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 1:18)
- Mystery of the baptism of Jesus: With this mystery, let us contemplate how the small acts of each day, in the hidden life of a family, can lead to events of great joy.
- Mystery of the Wedding at Cana: This first miracle of Jesus questions those who are witnesses and who see in Jesus “only the carpenter's son”. Jesus is encouraged by Mary to start showing who he really is. The holy family is a place that allows everyone to become fully who they are.
- Mystery of the Proclamation of the Kingdom: The Kingdom grows in each of our hearts; we can pray - through this mystery - that each family can be the place where it begins to unfold.
- Mystery of the Transfiguration: This mystery reveals to us the grace of the interior life and the life of prayer. We can meditate on the fact that every Christian family is called to become a “small domestic church”
- Mystery of the Institution of the Eucharist: This mystery of total gift also resonates particularly in family life in which each is led to serve the other.
Meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries with the Holy Family
From the beginning of Jesus' life, Joseph and Mary feel that this great happiness that they live and will be led to live by seeing Jesus grow, will also be tinged with suffering, trials. Family life is not only about joy, it is also about hardship. We can entrust them to the holy family that has experienced anguish, exile, vulnerability: When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” (Matthew 2:13)
- Mystery of the Pain of Jesus in the Garden of Olives: This mystery invites regret for our sins and repentance. When Joseph learned of Mary's pregnancy, without first understanding it, he did not want to publicly repudiate her. That within our families, even when we no longer understand each other, we know how to remain supports and not opportunities to fall.
- Mystery of the Whipping of Christ: Unfortunately, the family is also sometimes the place of many injuries. Let us ask the holy family to dress them, to Jesus to heal them.
- Mystery of the Crown of Thorns: The fruit of this mystery is to fight our pride and welcome the spirit of humility. Knowing that we are small and weak; recognizing that we need each other is a grace we can ask for so that our families are not places of oppression or indifference.
- Mystery of the Carrying of the Cross: The trials of life can divide, break up families. With this mystery, we can ask for the grace of patience, perseverance to go through the moments of doubts, suffering, difficulties of life...
- Mystery of the Crucifixion and Death on the Cross : This mystery reminds us of Jesus' infinite love for each of us. With the meditation of this mystery, we can see how to put this love back at the center of our lives, at the center of our families, so that our crosses are also a source of life.
Meditate on the Glorious Mysteries with the Holy Family
This last series of mysteries invites us to look at everything with new eyes, in the light of the resurrection. We are not only the fruit of a family and an earthly history, but we are children of God, the fruits of an infinite love that transcends the ages. The holy family is only a reflection of this divine love. Let's learn with her to turn our eyes to our true destination.
“But he replied: My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice. (Luke 8:21)
- Mystery of the resurrection: The fruit of contemplating this mystery is to make our faith grow. Let us ask Mary and Joseph, whose faith allowed the Savior of the world to see the light of day, to open us ever more open to the greatest of Christian mysteries.
- Mystery of the Ascension : Jesus returns to his Father; he sits at his right. With this mystery let us remember where we came from and where we are going: from our Father to all. As well as the brotherhood to which Jesus invites us.
- Mystery of the Pentecost: This mystery is that of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and sending on a mission. That through him, we become more aware of this great family to which we belong and that we open our hearts to the spirit of charity to love better.
- Mystery of the Assumption: The Holy Family lived in Nazareth. At a certain time and place in history. This mystery of the Assumption can invite us to meditate on how our own family—in its history, in its specificities—can also be a place of living presence of Jesus in today's world.
- Mystery of the Coronation of Mary: Mary, Queen of Angels. Let us entrust our families to our holy angels so that they can guide and protect us.
Pray with the holy family on Hozana
On Hozana, you can find online offers to pray for families and with the holy family, such as:
- This to entrust it with our families and all those in suffering.
- This allows you to entrust your family to God.