The Holy Family is the name given to the family from Nazareth made up of Jesus and His parents, Mary and Joseph. Its feast day is the first Sunday after Christmas. The Holy Family is the example of a for all Christian families to follow. This might seem impossible since the Holy Family welcomed God Himself into their lives, however, each member can give us inspiration for our home and married life. We should all take time to meditate upon their family life and not hesitate to ask for their intercession through prayer and novenas.
Here is a simple but efficient prayer to the Holy Family that can be said with confidence for nine consecutive days. Pope Francis has given us a beautiful prayer to help us entrust our families to Mary, Christ and St. Joseph.
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
in you we contemplate
the splendour of true love,
to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that our families too
may be places of communion and prayer,
authentic schools of the Gospel
and small domestic Churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
may families never again
experience violence, rejection and division:
may all who have been hurt or scandalized
find ready comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
may the approaching Synod of Bishops
make us once more mindful
of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,
and its beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
graciously hear our prayer.” Amen.
Here is Novena that can be said at any time that you feel the need during the year. It must be said for nine consecutive days. Each day a different aspect of your family life will be prayed for, including the Church, your spiritual family. Please recite the prayer of ‘Dedication of Your Family’ everyday of the novena.
Day 1
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of loving the Holy Church, above every earthly thing, and of ever showing forth our love by the witness of our actions.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 2
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of openly professing our faith, with courage and respect, the faith that we received in Holy Baptism.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 3
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of sharing, in the defense and spreading of our Faith, when duty calls, whether by word or by the sacrifice of our fortunes and our lives.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 4
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of loving one another in mutual charity, and establish us in perfect harmony of thought, will and action, under the rule and guidance of our holy Pastors.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 5
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of conforming our lives fully to the commandments of God's law and that of His holy church, so as to live always in that charity.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 6
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of helping the members of my family to love, listen, support and accept one another. Encourage us to challenge one another to be compassionate, merciful and forgiving as we struggle with the difficulties of our lives.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 7
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of encouraging each other when our faith is weak and when we fail to lead one another to Christ.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 8
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of working to uphold each one’s dignity, integrity and unique contributions to the well-being and growth of our family.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 9
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of ,when our time on earth is complete, bringing us all safely home to you in the company of heaven.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Dedication of Your Family:
Most loving Jesus, by Your sublime and beautiful virtues of humility, obedience, poverty, modesty, charity, patience, and gentleness, You blessed with peace and happiness the family which You chose on earth. In Your mercy look upon my family. We belong to You, for we have received Your many blessings over many years and we entrust ourselves to Your loving care.
Look upon my family in Your loving kindness, preserve us from danger, give us help in time of need, and grant us the grace to persevere to the end in imitation of Your holy Family, so that having revered You and loved You faithfully on earth, we may praise You eternally in heaven.
Mary, dearest Mother, to your intercession we have recourse, knowing that your Divine Son will hear your prayers. Glorious patriarch, Saint Joseph, help us by your powerful prayers and offer our prayers to Jesus through Mary’s hands. Amen.
Hozana has a multitude of prayer communities to choose from and help you deepen your faith and grow in holiness. If you would like to learn more about prayer join this community and
You can also . He took such good care of Mary and Jesus while growing up. As Pope Francis said,“Dear brothers and sisters, we ask St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary, who teach us to be faithful to our daily tasks, to live our faith in actions of everyday life and to give more space to the Lord in our lives, to pause and contemplate His face.” (Catechesis by Pope Francis on May 1st, 2013)