Grow Spiritually with the Prayer of the Rosary

is rich in graces for the world as well as for the one who prays it. Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and by meditating on the 20 mysteries of the rosary, we can experience great spiritual benefits and our entire life can be transformed. Specifically, what can this rosary prayer bring us and how is it beneficial for each one of us? Let us discover the fruits of the rosary in our lives.

What is the fruit of a mystery?

What is called a “fruit” is a spiritual grace, a gift from the Holy Spirit that is welcomed and developed through prayer. The comparison to a fruit is meaningful as it clearly evokes the necessity:
- of patience: to pick and taste the flavor of a fruit, we must allow it time to grow, to ripen,
- of care and attention: to enable it to reach maturity, a fruit needs water, light, protection from external aggressions.

And this clearly evokes the goodness of God: a fruit symbolizes delight, sweetness for the senses, good food at all levels. These are the gifts of God. God has graces to give us, but He also desires that we be fruit bearers for others, that we radiate His grace. These graces are therefore blessings for us but also for others. Jesus tells us this in the Gospel according to Saint John:


 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” (John 15:16)

The mysteries of the rosary and their fruits

In the prayer of the rosary, each mystery meditated on is associated with a specific fruit.

The fruits of the joyful mysteries

The fruits of the Annunciation mystery:
- trust in God's plan for me and for humanity.
- the availability of heart to welcome God into my life.
- the humility and joy of welcoming Jesus in me, especially in the Eucharist.

The fruits of the mystery of visitation:
- fraternal charity: going out to meet my neighbor, making myself available and attentive to him, to his needs, radiating and sharing the joy of being a Christian.
- worship of God and praise in all my pursuits.

The fruits of the mystery of the nativity :
- simplicity: returning to the essential, making myself small to welcome the child Jesus, letting myself be touched by God, who became a newborn.
- evangelical poverty: cultivating a certain sobriety in my life, taking a step back from the consumer society, respecting creation.

The fruits of the mystery of the presentation of Jesus to the Temple:
 - the spirit of obedience: 
to listen to God, his commandments, his Word; to accept to be led by him; to welcome with kindness and humility those who do not think like me.
 - purity of heart: 
to know how to let myself be looked at by God in my truth; to let myself be purified by the Holy Spirit; to reject what can distance me from God.

The fruits of the mystery of the Finding of Jesus in the Temple:
 - the search for God in all things: 
knowing how to respond to God's call.
 - fervor: 
acting with the desire to do everything for love of God and others.

The fruits of the Luminous Mysteries

The fruits of the mystery of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan: 
- fidelity to the promises of our baptism: my faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; my rejection of Satan and of what leads to evil.
- acceptance of the Trinity in our life: to live the graces received at my baptism, to recognize and live as a child of God, as a brother or sister of Jesus; to let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit.

The fruits of the mystery of the wedding at Cana:
- trust in Jesus and Mary: knowing that Jesus is there with me, ready to perform miracles in my life; knowing how to ask the intercession of the Virgin Mary, to entrust my needs to her.
- love of the Church: entrusting the Church to the Virgin Mary to guide her to her Son, desiring the union of the Church with Jesus.

The fruits of the mystery of the proclamation of the Kingdom of God: 
- the conversion of hearts: to desire to advance more and more in holiness.
- the proclamation of the Kingdom: to know how to witness to the presence of God, his mercy and his love around me.

The fruits of the mystery of the transfiguration: 
- the grace of an interior life: nourishing and developing my relationship with God through prayer
- contemplation: being totally attentive to Christ, letting God shine through me

The fruits of the mystery of the institution of the Eucharist: 
- a greater love of the Eucharist: to practice the sacraments regularly, to desire to participate in this offering of thanksgiving
- faith in the real presence: to feel the presence of Jesus and to desire to make my heart a beautiful home to welcome Jesus in the Eucharist.

The fruits of the sorrowful mysteries

The fruits of the mystery of the agony of Jesus in the garden of olive trees: 
- contrition: regretting my sins, my lack of love and knowing how to repent.  
- abandonment in the hands of the Father, especially in trials: knowing how to trust God, in his love when I go through a trial, that I am in suffering.

The fruits of the mystery of the whipping of Jesus:
- the mastery of the senses: to avoid temptations that can lead me away from God and open my senses to what is Beautiful and Good.
- trust in God: seek to meet my needs through my relationship with God.

The fruits of the mystery of the crown of thorns:
- the spirit of humility: 
to fight all pride.
- the renunciation of self-love: not to 
seek my own glory but always that of God.

The fruits of the mystery of the bearing of the Cross: 
- patience in trials: agreeing to carry my cross every day to follow Jesus.
- the grace to get up after each of our falls: not to be discouraged, to let myself be raised up and supported by Christ.

The fruits of the mystery of the crucifixion and death of Jesus on the Cross: 
- a greater love for Jesus, who died to save us: to have an increased awareness of the infinite love of God for me and for each of us that shines through in the sacrifice of his son.
- a greater love for humanity: to become aware that Jesus died on the cross for all men and for all women, that each of us is infinitely precious in the eyes of God and called to be saved in Jesus Christ

The fruits of the glorious mysteries

The fruits of the mystery of the resurrection of Jesus:
- a greater faith
: to have an ever greater faith in the resurrection of Christ, this great mystery that is at the heart of every Christian.
- the strength to testify of the risen Christ in the world: by my words, by my actions, to live as a new man/woman and to show the face of the risen Jesus around me.

The fruits of the mystery of the Ascension:
- the hope and desire for Heaven
: to turn my eyes to the Kingdom of God and to detach myself from the search for material goods.
- the grace to discern the presence of God in our lives: to recognize the signs of the Kingdom in the world and to marvel at the presence of God in my life, his graces in my daily life.

The fruits of the mystery of Pentecost:
- charity
: to have a heart turned to my brothers and sisters, to have a spirit of sharing.
- the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives: to welcome the breath of God in my life, to let myself be guided and renewed by the Spirit.

The fruits of the mystery of the Assumption of Mary:
- the grace of a good death:
to be able to turn to God at the moment of my death and to be fully open to his love.
- the grace of already living the joy of heaven on earth: to live and welcome into my life the moments of eternity that God already offers me to taste.

The fruits of the mystery of the Coronation of Mary:
 - total trust in Mary
: entrusting oneself to Mary, choosing her as my mother and my queen

How to welcome and ripen these fruits?

Its fruits are demanded for each of us, but also for all Christians. Our prayer is both personal and universal. 

Before starting each decade, we state the mystery and ask for the fruit. This can be done with a sentence like this: 
 “Lord, I offer you this decade and ask you to increase my faith through the grace of the mystery of the resurrection and through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary”.
Then we recite an Our Father and 10 Hail Marys.

Pray the rosary and ripen the fruits with Hozana

Hozana accompanies you in your prayer of the rosary. Through its free Rosario app, as well as with its many novenas and online prayer communities. You can start with this

Or jump into
a community and ask for a specific intention per day.

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