How to do the rosary of the day, and which mystery corresponds to which days of the week? Discover everything you need to know to recite the rosary day after day!
Whatever the day, the prayer takes place in the same way, but before starting each decade, the mystery is stated, aloud, if it is a community prayer, or for oneself.
This can be done through a short prayer where one asks God for the fruit of the mystery that one is going to pray, such as “Lord, we offer you this decade and ask you to make brotherly charity grow in us through the graces of the mystery of the Visitation and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
The enunciation of the mystery may be accompanied by the reading of an associated biblical passage.
A little time may be allowed to enter well into the mystery before beginning the recitation of the Our Father and the 10 Hail Marys.
As the meditation on the mysteries according to the defined days allows for a prayerful communion between the faithful and helps us to recite the rosary entirely within the week, this prayer is nevertheless not fixed and accompanies us in what we experience; whether personally: we can, depending on what we are going through, prioritize a particular series on certain days. Thus, for example, the sorrowful mysteries can help us through a trial.
- in the various liturgical seasons: for instance, the Sundays of Advent can be dedicated to the joyful mysteries that prepare us for the celebration of Christmas, and the Sundays of Lent to the sorrowful mysteries to prepare us for the feast of Easter. On holidays, it is the glorious mysteries that can be privileged.
This is what Saint John Paul II reminds us of in his apostolic letter on the Rosary Rosarium Virginis Mariae regarding the days suggested for each mystery: However, this guideline does not intend to limit a certain freedom in personal and communal meditation, according to spiritual and pastoral requirements, and especially liturgical celebrations that may prompt felicitous adaptations. »
Hozana accompanies you in the daily recitation of the rosary, whether through online communities,
at 7:30 pm (but which you can find later if you are not available at this time!) or through its free Rosario living rosary application that helps you meditate every day on the different mysteries.