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Saint Rita, Patroness of Lost Causes

Saint Rita, Patroness of Lost Causes

Saint Rita de Cascia is the great patron of lost or desperate causes. During her lifetime, Rita faced many trials and battles. She did so with the help of prayer. Grace spread around her. In her family, for example: her husband and her sons were converted by her tireless intercession. Having become a nun, Rita grew ever closer to Jesus, and extraordinary events took place. Sister Rita is known for the miracles that take place through her. Upon her death, those around her witnessed exceptional phenomena and many healings took place near her body, which did not decompose. People come from afar to entrust her with burdens and difficulties of all kinds. No prayer is beyond her, and graces abound. That is how Rita's reputation came about—she is the saint of the impossible!

Why pray to Saint Rita?

Pray to Saint Rita to have a child

Rita's parents were without children for a long time. After many prayers and sacrifices, the Lord granted them the grace so much hoped for, and they give birth to Rita, a little girl, naturally good and turned towards God. Rita intercedes for couples expecting children, obtaining this grace from God, of which she herself was the fruit.

Praying to Saint Rita for couples in hardship

Saint Rita was a simple and very pious girl, forced to marry a violent and angry man. She intercedes for wives in their marital difficulties, as well as for peace in couples and in families.

Discover the prayer to Saint Rita for a couple in hardship.

Praying to Saint Rita for the conversion of a loved one

Saint Rita spent her life as a wife and mother praying and sacrificing herself for the conversion of her husband, then for that of her two sons, who followed the example of their violent father. She obtained the spectacular conversion of her husband and later of her two sons. She intercedes for the conversion of sinners, especially in our families, and for parents trying to bring their children back to the right path.

Praying to Saint Rita for nuns and holy vocations

After the death of her husband and two sons, Rita realized her dream of the past: she entered the convent of the Augustinians of Cascia. Her humility and obedience made of her an exemplary sister. She prays for religious and priestly vocations, as well as for the difficulties of religious life.

Praying to Saint Rita for physical healing

After her death, miracles and healing through the intercession of Saint Rita have numbered in the hundreds. What are the problems that Saint Rita heals most often? Among her miracles, there are many mutes who speak, deaf people who hear, blind people who see, people suffering from edema who are healed. Many other healings of all kinds of diseases have been reported in the convent of Cascia.

Discover the prayer of healing with Saint Rita.

Praying to Saint Rita to thank the Lord

Many people have seen their prayers answered through the intermediary of Saint Rita. Thanksgiving is one of the most beautiful ways to praise God.

Discover the prayer of thanksgiving to Saint Rita.

What are Saint Rita's prayers for impossible causes?

There are many possible prayers to ask for the intercession of Saint Rita.

  • Novena to Saint Rita for impossible causes

The prayer of a novena is effective because our attendance for nine days pleases the Lord. Discover the novena to Saint Rita.

  • Triduum to Saint Rita

You can also choose to pray for three days for the cause that is dear to you with the triduum to Saint Rita.

  • Litanies to Saint Rita

An excellent way to honor the merits of a saint and win them to our cause is the prayer of the litanies. Here are the litanies to Saint Rita,

With Hozana, discover the other saints dealing with desperate or lost causes: Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Jude the apostle and cousin of Jesus, Saint Philomena (see the miracles of the parish priest of Ars), Saint Gregory the miracle worker. 

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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