Garabandal is a small village in the Spanish Pyrenees where Marian apparitions took place between 1961 and 1965. Four girls—Conchita, Mari Cruz, Mari Loli, and Jacinta—saw the Virgin Mary, who entrusted them with messages. The apparitions of Garabandal are distinguished by the close and maternal relationship between the Virgin and the girls. During the more than 2000 encounters with the Virgin, the girls received many prophecies, including the announcement by Our Lady of three major supernatural events to come: a Warning, a Miracle, and a conditional Chastisement.
The Warning is sent by God. It will be a cosmic phenomenon that will be seen and felt internally by everyone simultaneously. Each person will see the evil they have committed and the good they have failed to do. The Warning is the final act of Divine Mercy, aimed at correcting the conscience of the world and preparing it for the great Miracle. After these two events, Divine Justice will come (on this subject, see the revelations given to Saint Faustina).
Here is what the visionary Conchita said about the Warning: "It is like a chastisement. To bring the good closer to God and to warn the others. What the Warning consists of, I cannot reveal. The Virgin did not tell me to say it. Nor anything more. God wants that, thanks to this Warning, we amend ourselves and commit fewer sins against Him." She added in a note: "If we die from it, it will not be because of the Warning itself, but because of the emotion, the fear we will feel upon seeing and experiencing the Warning."
On September 13, 1965, Conchita told a young girl named Angelita: "If I did not know about the other chastisement that is to come, I would say that there is no greater chastisement than the Warning."
On September 14, 1965, Conchita clarified: "The Warning is something coming directly from God. It will be visible to the whole world, no matter where one is, wherever each person is. It will be like the revelation (internal to each of us) of our sins. Believers as well as unbelievers from any country will see and feel it."
On October 22, 1965, she also said: "It will be like fire. It will not burn our flesh, but we will feel it physically and internally... No one will escape it. But after the Warning, you will love God much more." It will be a kind of "particular judgment" allowing us to purify ourselves, convert, and, as a result, love God much more. "And the Miracle will not be long in coming." The Warning "will last a very short time" and will occur before the Miracle "so that the world may improve" and "to purify us for the Miracle."
It is worth noting that the Warning is also announced in other prophecies, including the revelations given to Sulema, who calls this event the "Illumination of Consciences." Other Christian figures and modern prophets have also announced the Warning: Saint Edmund Campion, Saint Faustina, Grete Ganseforth, Don Stefano Gobbi, Luz Amparo Cuevas, Pedro Régis, Agustin del Divino Corazon, Marco Ferrari, Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Gisella Cardia.
The Miracle will take place at the Pines overlooking Garabandal. The visionary Conchita knows the date and will announce it eight days in advance, as requested by Our Lady. The fruit of this Miracle will be the conversion of Russia.
The Great Miracle will be more significant than the miracle of the sun at Fatima on October 13, 1917. It will only be visible from Garabandal itself and the surrounding mountains. It will occur on a Thursday evening at 8:30 PM and will last about a quarter of an hour. Unbelievers will be converted, and the sick will be healed. Conchita has announced this Miracle with calm and certainty for over 60 years. In January 1966, she entrusted the date to the Congregation of the Holy Office so that it could be communicated to the Holy Father. The Miracle will be the supernatural understanding, in the Divine Light, of the intimate and fundamental reality of what the Priesthood and the Eucharist are.
After the Miracle, a supernatural, permanent sign will remain visible at the Pines until the end of time. The sign will resemble a column of smoke, and it will be possible to photograph, film, and broadcast it on television, though it will not be possible to touch it.
If the world still does not change after the Miracle, then God will send the Chastisement, which will occur just a few months after the Great Miracle.
Here is what the girls reported about it: "If we do not (convert), a Chastisement will come," "If we do not change, the chastisement will be very great!" (October 18, 1961). It will be the "Judgment of the Nations." "It will come when we least expect it, because the world has not changed" (Loli and Jacinta, June 19, 1962).
The Chastisement is sent by God to purify the Earth, and it will bring about the beginning of a wonderful Renewal: the great Universal Spiritual Reign of Jesus Christ, with Mary, over the entire world.
The four girls had a vision of the Chastisement during the Feast of Corpus Christi in 1962, during nocturnal ecstasies. Because of the screams of terror uttered by the girls during these visions, these nights were called "The Nights of Screams."
Here is what the girls said they saw during their visions of the coming Chastisement: "Rivers turning into blood... Fire falling from the sky..."
"At a certain moment, no machine, no engine will work; a terrible wave of heat will fall upon the earth, and men will begin to endure a great thirst; desperately, they will search for water, but it will evaporate due to the heat. Despair will seize almost everyone, and people will try to kill one another... but they will lack the strength and will fall."
"Then it will be understood that it is God alone who has allowed all this. Then, we saw a crowd surrounded by flames. People ran to throw themselves into the sea and lakes; but the water seemed to boil, and instead of extinguishing the flames, it seemed to activate them..."
"It was so horrible that I asked the Most Holy Virgin to take all our little children with Her before all this happens. But the Virgin told us that when this happens, everyone will already be very grown up..."
This description of the Chastisement clearly recalls what Saint John reported in his visions in the Book of Revelation. The visions of Marie-Julie Jahenny also align with the girls' testimony.
The prayer that the Virgin has requested in all Her apparitions during this last century is the ROSARY! Pray the rosary daily by