The Lord invites us to believe in Him unwaveringly, and encourages us to always be aware of His loving presence. God is always with us, reaching out His hand and working to bring us His graces, even if we don’t feel it… after all, He promised so: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 20).
The Lord resides in our hearts, so we may feel His love at every instant, and know that we never have to face challenges alone. But sometimes, we also have our moments of weakness: in those moments, praying to St. Benedict can reveal itself to be a saving grace. As the patron saint of exorcisms, St. Benedict is prayed to by many Christians who wish to ward off evil influences. However, you don’t necessarily have to be “bewitched” to benefit from his protection: you can pray for his intercession at all times, and ask him to protect you from bad luck.
More generally, you can say prayers to St. Benedict to be protected from negativity and negative thoughts, and return faithfully to Jesus Christ. Here are a few powerful prayers to St. Benedict to eliminate negativity!
“Almighty Father, I implore you to grant me perpetual health of mind and body, and through the glorious intercession of Your most faithful servant, saint Benedict, I pray that You grant me the grace to be delivered from the sorrows of this life, misfortune, negative thoughts, doubt and self-contempt.
O God, my refuge and strength, I have recourse to Your Protection.
O glorious St. Benedict, father most reverend, jewel in the Crown of Christ; intercede on my behalf to the Lord, that I may be liberated from my misfortunes. May your blessed Cross deliver me from all evil, guide me, and protect me.
O safe refuge to those who seek the protection of the Kingdom of God, you made the Holy Cross a symbol of faith; intercede on my behalf, I implore you, that my current misfortunes may be dissolved in the light and love of Jesus Christ.
O St. Benedict, I put my hope in you; intercede on my behalf to Christ, so He may bring His light on my path, and chase the shadows of my misfortunes.
O St. Benedict, pray for me to Our Lord Jesus Christ; He does not want sinners any harm, but He wants their conversion and their life; may He come to my help to face this challenge.
O St. Benedict, I do not covet the luck of those who thrive, I simply ask for the right to share the love, happiness and joy that God gives to His children in abundance. May your powerful intercession grant me the grace to be delivered from the ill luck preventing me from progressing.
O St. Benedict, turn your merciful eyes upon me: deliver me, free me, help me, protect me, and obtain for me the grace to fully exploit my abilities, skills and intelligence in this life.
Almighty and most merciful Father, I thank you for establishing a source of perpetual help in your servant, St. Benedict; allow me to benefit from his most precious assistance in the challenges of this life, and to always come victorious from my combat against the enemy.”
“St. Benedict,
You offered yourself to God by making your life an absolute gift to Him.
As a model of faith, trust, confidence and Love of God, you attracted many young and generous souls to the ideal of living for the Lord, in prayer, humility, and working for His glory and the salvation of souls.
You opposed Satan, the prince of this world, through the purity of your soul, and your absolute obedience to the Spirit of Love, and removed from his hands souls in perdition that he lured into damnation.
St. Benedict, intercede to God, that He may call to Him many pure, generous souls to live as you did.
Pray for us, St. Benedict, and help us deter the devil’s attempt to turn us away from the light of God, a light of Goodness, Love, and Eternal Salvation.
Protect us against all the snares of the devil, help us fight temptation, save us from evil influences.
St. Benedict, our protector against Lucifer and his henchmen, pray for us.
St. Benedict, protect us.
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