Novena for Peace in the Near East

Please pray with Spiritual Direction and the Philos Project in an emergency novena for the protection of Christians and all innocents in the Near East, particularly in Israel and Lebanon!


This is a dire time for Christians in the Near East, and especially so for those in Israel and Lebanon. 

Right now, there is an escalation in violence between these two nations, and the terrorist organization Hezbollah is threatening to attack Israel. War seems both imminent and inevitable. Christian minorities and innocents have been and will continue to be the first to suffer in this conflict. 

Please join us in praying this urgent and special novena from July 16-24 for the protection of all Christians and innocents in the Near East. We will be praying from the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to that of St. Charbel, our patron.

Praying this Novena and fasting is an important way to plea to God to help these innocents, and their persecutors, to know Christ and His peace. Thank you for your immediate help in this way.

The Program

Every day for 9 days, you will receive:

  • The novena prayers to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Charbel 🪔
  • The intentions for each day of the novena 🙏

You may also fast as you are able in humility and in solidarity with those in Israel and Lebanon, and repeat the prayer for another nine days etc.

Here is the Philos Page where you can sign up for updates:

Instagram: @philoscatholic 

Novena prayer

Let us pray and call on the intercession of St. Charbel, Our Patron, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Charbel, we pray in these nine days that two peoples divided by war may come together and pray for peace, and that the two holy mountains, Mount Carmel and Mount Lebanon, a hundred miles apart, may become symbols of peace and unity. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, we pray for your intercession for the Holy Land, where the prophet Saint Elijah preached, that the people of the region may live in peace. We implore your help to liberate the hostages and return them to their families, that this war will end, that people will turn away from terror, and that there will not be a worse war in the region. Saint Charbel, we pray for your miraculous intercession, that Lebanon may be free from war and the grip of terror, for the protection of the most vulnerable Christian communities, and that Lebanon may once more be a message to the world of peace. This is followed by a recitation of: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be And concludes with: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us. St. Charbel, Wonder Worker of the East, pray for us. You may also fast as you are able in humility and in solidarity with these people of Lebanon and Israel, and repeat the prayer for another nine days.