Current retreats

The word „retreat” comes from the Latin recessus, which means separation and withdrawal. For Christians, retreats are a spiritual practice that allows us to take some time, pause our busy lives, and put our daily duties on hold to pray or meditate. In the Bible, the retreat was widely practised by some of the Lord’s servants: Moses, the prophets, and even Jesus himself retired to have some one-on-one time with God: „Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1).

What is the purpose of spiritual retreats?

Taking a retreat allows us to prioritise our spiritual growth. It is an opportunity to take some time to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and experience faith in depth. The retreat allows us to get away from daily reality for a few minutes, hours, days or even weeks and to (re-)connect with God. By immersing ourselves in his presence, we dedicate ourselves to contemplation and developing our interiority. Hozana knows the importance of spiritual retreats and invites you to discover various online retreats to consecrate yourself to the Lord or a Saint, prepare to celebrate a feast, entrust your difficulties to the Lord, overcome pain or suffering etc.

Types of retreats: How to do them? What do they consist of?

There are different types of retreats: partial retreats, total retreats, online retreats, etc. Nowadays, in times of political and health crisis, it is not always easy to detach from daily reality. For this reason, online retreats have become so popular. Hozana offers various flexible online retreats that can easily fit into your busy schedule. Bear in mind that it is necessary to prioritise being available to meet God to make a retreat. You need to establish a spiritual goal (for example, to reflect on a certain feeling that has been recently present in your life, positive or negative) and set aside some time in your schedule - for your meeting with God. Let the Holy Spirit take over you and bring you the understanding of what God wants to tell you during this time of retreat. For Christians, spiritual retreats are very diversified. They can include meditationcontemplative prayerspiritual exercisestraditional prayerreading the Bible, and/or listening to messages related to the fundamentals of the Catholic faith.

Hozana’s online spiritual retreats

Hozana invites you to discover various online retreats to entrust yourself to God: consecration to the Holy Spirit, consecration to Jesus, consecration to a Saint: consecration to Saint Joseph, consecration to the Virgin Mary. You can make a retreat to prepare for a feast, and for example, the Advent retreat enables you to receive the miracle of Christmas. The Easter retreat can prepare you for Christ’s Passion and Resurrection.

Furthermore, you can join a retreat to entrust your difficulties to the Lord, overcome pain, manage suffering or meet Our Heavenly Father in person. Sometimes, it is worth getting out of the rut - even if it is only for a brief moment - to spend some time with God, and you can do it online! So do not hesitate any longer - discover these and many other retreats with Hozana!