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Join us in prayer to ease your anxiety as we entrust our worries to God. We rely on the Lord, our shelter against all the storms of life.

5331 members9 posts
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May St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, intercede for you, and help you find the spouse you're hoping for. Let us pray for one another: let Our Father guide us!

4565 members9 posts
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Join us for this novena of prayer through the intercession of Our Lady of Peñafrancia! She is the Patroness of the sick, the afflicted, and the Queen of the Bicol region of the Philippines.

911 members9 posts
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Please pray with Spiritual Direction and the Philos Project in an emergency novena for the protection of Christians and all innocents in the Near East, particularly in Israel and Lebanon!

236 members9 posts
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This camp season, let's follow the invitation to scouting holiness issued by Father Jacques Sevin, founder of Catholic scouting: let's listen to and deepen our knowledge of his advice!

38 members7 posts
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Union of prayers for the scouts, young catholic workers, brides and grooms, missionaries and war victims, under the intercession of Blessed Marcel Callo.

4 members2 posts
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Each Friday Padre Pio's Lovers

Calling all Padre Pio devotees! This community celebrates Saint Pio & his message of faith, hope & healing. Share stories & prayer requests.

31 members1 post
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Pray this novena if you have had a miscarriage.

35 members0 posts
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Saint Anthony, you who have a special gift for helping us to find lost things, we pray to you that we may rediscover the virtues we have lost and follow your example!

1 member0 posts