7. Leave Everything in God's Hands

Discovering the gift of fear

“When the Holy Ghost inheres in our hearts, He sends us comfort and peace and leads us to feel who we really are, that is small, with this attitude – so recommended by Jesus in the Gospels – of he who tables all his worries and expectations to God and feels surrounded and supported by His warmth and His protection, like a child with respect to his daddy! This is what the Holy Ghost does in our hearts: He makes us feel we are children in the arms of our daddy. This way we do understand that the fear of God in us results in obedience, gratefulness and praise. Indeed so many times, do we fail to grasp the plan of God; so many times, are we not capable of securing for ourselves happiness and life everlasting. It is however precisely by experiencing our limits and our poverty that the Spirit comforts us and makes us feel that the only important thing is to let us be guided by Jesus in the arms of his father.

When we are submerged by the fear of God, then are we prompted to follow the Lord with humility, submission and obedience, not in a passive, resigned or even lamenting way, but with the marvel and joy of a son who himself acknowledges that he is being served and loved by the Father. The fear of God, therefore, does not make us shy and submissive Christians but on the contrary, begets in our courage and strength. It is a gift that makes us unfaltering and enthusiastic Christians that are not submitted to the Lord out of fear, but because they are moved and overrun by His love. To be overrun by the love of God! Such is so beautiful a thing: to let ourselves be overrun by the fatherly love of this daddy who loves us so much, who loves us with all His heart.”

- Pope Francis

Asking for the gift of fear 

Father, on this Whitsun day I am asking Thee to let your stream of quickening Water flow into me and grant me, in particular, the gift of fear.

Give me the grace to table my whole life onto Thy arms, live in the wake of Thy Holy Ghost and become Thy courageous witness.

Grant me to follow Thee with humility, submission and obedience everywhere Thou wilt wish to lead me and I shall marvel at my being Thy beloved child.

Free me, Father, on this Whitsun day through the power of Thy Holy Ghost of all that keeps me away from Thee.

I beg Thee, Jesus, the Christ, our Lord, grant me this and unite me to the prayer of the Church by forcefully praying the Veni Creator

Living and partaking the gift of fear

“ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28, 19-20

I have just lived seven days to receive the Holy Ghost and each one of His gifts. Am I today aware that God who knows me intimately, trusts me, calls me by my name and sends me among all nations to make a disciple who in their turn will make disciples?

God calls every baptized one to follow Him and proclaim His salvation around. God gives those He sends by the grace of His Holy Ghost all they need to act in His name. Let's go!

Prière de la communauté

Veni Creator

Come Creator Spirit to visit us, Come to enlighten the soul of thy sons; Fill our hearts with grace and light, Thee who created everything with love, Thee, the gift, the envoy of the Most High God, Thou made Thyself our defensor, Thou art Love, Fire, and the Spring of Life. Strength and Sweetness of the grace of the Lord, Give us the seven gifts of Thy Love, Thee, the finger that works in the name of the Father, Thee whose Kingdom and Coming He promised us, Thee who inspires our tongues to sing. Bring Clarity into us, inflame us Spread in our hearts the Love of the Father, Come and strengthen our bodies in their weakness, Give them everlasting vigour. Chase away the fiend that threatens us, Hasten to give us peace, So that we walk under Thy guidance and our lives be cleansed of all sins. Let us see the face of the Most High. And reveal to us that of the Son, Thee, the Sprit common to both that brings them together. Come into our hearts so that we forever believe in Thee. Glory to God, our Father in heaven, Glory to the Son who is from hell arisen, Glory to the Spirit of Strength and Wisdom. For ever and ever. Amen

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Que vos paroles soient toujours bienveillantes, qu’elles ne manquent pas de sel, vous saurez ainsi répondre à chacun comme il faut. Col 4 : 6


The Seven Gifts of The Holy Spirit

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