The Seven Gifts of The Holy Spirit

Pray to receive the gifts of The Holy Spirit (with the teachings of Pope Francis) For seven days !


You want to enjoy the grace of God in your daily life, but you don't know how?

You've heard about the 7 gifts of The Holy Spirit, but you don't really know what they mean or how they can have an actual effect on your life?

Join a 7 day prayer program to explore the gifts of The Holy Spirit!

Thanks to the teachings of Pope Francis, experience the grace of God and savour the immense joy of spreading it around you!

7 days to let yourself be shaped by The Holy Spirit

Every Morning You Will Receive an Email Containing:

  • An excerpt of one teaching of Pope Francis to feed your spirit
  • An invocation prayer to expand your heart

The Program:

  • Day 1: See with the eyes of God… let in the gift of wisdom
  • Day 2: Gain God's understanding let in the gift of understanding 
  • Day 3: Follow Jesus' logic in your choices… let in the gift of counsel 
  • Day 4: Grow and yield fruit… let in the gift of fortitude
  • Day 5: See God in His creation…let in the gift of knowledge
  • Day 6: Live as a child of God… let in the gift of piety
  • Day 7: Leave everything in God's hands… let in the gift of fear of the Lord

Who Are We?

We are Régine and Matthias, a young couple married for four years parenting a little girl. Because of our passion in regenerating parishes and increasing the number of missionary disciples, we do everything we can in line with the Magisterium of the Church to offer priests and their teams quality pastoral assistance. 

We are graduates in marketing, communication, graphism, institution modelling, as well as in economics and social work; we have several years of experience in the field of management and social affairs. We are also involved in the Catholic Church at different levels.

We are currently running the Catholic Attraction Communication and Services office. We are also publishing Attraction Tools that are turnkey tools for the pastoral.  

Live and share the gifts of The Holy Spirit!

Retreat prayer

Veni Creator

Come Creator Spirit to visit us, Come to enlighten the soul of thy sons; Fill our hearts with grace and light, Thee who created everything with love, Thee, the gift, the envoy of the Most High God, Thou made Thyself our defensor, Thou art Love, Fire, and the Spring of Life. Strength and Sweetness of the grace of the Lord, Give us the seven gifts of Thy Love, Thee, the finger that works in the name of the Father, Thee whose Kingdom and Coming He promised us, Thee who inspires our tongues to sing. Bring Clarity into us, inflame us Spread in our hearts the Love of the Father, Come and strengthen our bodies in their weakness, Give them everlasting vigour. Chase away the fiend that threatens us, Hasten to give us peace, So that we walk under Thy guidance and our lives be cleansed of all sins. Let us see the face of the Most High. And reveal to us that of the Son, Thee, the Sprit common to both that brings them together. Come into our hearts so that we forever believe in Thee. Glory to God, our Father in heaven, Glory to the Son who is from hell arisen, Glory to the Spirit of Strength and Wisdom. For ever and ever. Amen