Stations of the Cross with the Dominicans

Join the Dominican Brothers this Lent for a series of video meditations on the beautiful Stations of the Cross at Blackfriars, Oxford.


O Crux ave, spes unica,
hoc Passionis tempore!

'O hail the Cross, our only hope,
in this Passiontide!'

The Cross stands at the centre of the mysteries of our faith: a scandal for many, yet the source of our hope and our salvation. This Lent, the Dominican friars invite you to follow Jesus on the Way of the Cross through this series of video meditations filmed at Blackfriars Oxford.

You will receive a video meditation every Monday, Wednesday and Friday of Lent.

The Stations of the Cross

1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death

2nd Station: Jesus carries his Cross

3rd Station: Jesus falls the first time

4th Station: Jesus meets his mother

5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his Cross

6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

7th Station: Jesus falls the second time

8th Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

9th Station: Jesus falls a third time

10th Station: Jesus' clothes are taken away

11th Station: Jesus is nailed to the Cross

12th Station: Jesus dies on the Cross

13th Station: The body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross

14th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb

The Dominican Friars of the Province of England and Scotland

We are a religious order committed to the preaching of the Gospel for the salvation of souls. This year our Province is also celebrating the 800th anniversary of its foundation. Find out more about us on our website and our YouTube channel.

Retreat prayer

Vexilla Regis

Vexilla regis prodeunt, fulget crucis mysterium, quo carne carnis conditor suspensus est patibulo.