Praying with my Guardian Angel every other day

You are so loved by God that at conception, He assigned you an angel who is always at your side to protect and guide you. Learn how to pray to your guardian angel and to ask for help daily.


Psalm 91:11

For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. 

Why did God create Angels? 

Are you aware of the angel that God, your heavenly Father, gave you as a gift at conception?  Many stores sell angels to decorate our homes. How about decorating your heart with your angel through daily prayer, asking for his (or her) intercession in your life? Praying with your guardian angel can give your life another dimension. 

Many of us are familiar with praying to Jesus or asking for the intercession of Mary or others saints. However, we can often have difficulty praying to and invoking the Holy Spirit or our guardian angel because they are spirits as we need to use our five senses to help us believe. 

God created angels for many purposes, including guiding, protecting, encouraging and strengthening us. Scripture tells us that angels are God's servants, sent by Him into the world to serve His will. Though we may not see them or know they are there, angels are watching over us, transporting blessings into our lives, protecting us from danger and helping us to glorify God better. Your angel is a best friend, invisible but truly present in your life  !

An angel at your side

Your angel works 24 hours around the clock for you. How about giving your angel 5 minutes of your time daily and see how your life is transformed by the relationship you build together. Soon enough you won't be able to live without feeling your angel's gentle presence. 

Each day you will receive ONE of the following:

  • A short prayer.
  • A bible passage about angels.
  • A saint's or mystic's experience with an angel. 
  • A theologian's explanation about your angel.
  • Advice from a priest about your angel.

Community prayer

Prayer to My Angel

Angel sent by God to guide me, be my light and walk beside me; be my guardian and protect me; on the paths of life direct me. Amen.