8 days discovering the spirituality of St Ignatius!

During this retreat, experience the love of God and encounter Him through His word. Journey closer to Him with St Ignatius' aid and discover the transformative spiritual exercise of Lectio.


During this retreat, experience the love of God and encounter Him through His word. Journey closer to Him with St Ignatius' aid and discover the transformative spiritual exercise of Lectio divina.

Who was Saint Ignatius of Loyola? 

St. Ignatius Loyola was born in 1491, one of 13 children of a family of minor nobility in northern Spain. In 1521 Ignatius was gravely wounded in a battle with the French. While recuperating, Ignatius experienced a conversion. Reading the lives of Jesus and the saints made Ignatius happy and aroused desires to do great things. Ignatius realised that these feelings were clues to God's direction for him.

Over the years, Ignatius became an expert in the art of spiritual direction. He collected his insights, prayers, and suggestions in his book the Spiritual Exercises, one of the most influential books on the spiritual life ever written.

Take time over 7 days to be with Jesus as you receive:

✝️ - Daily scripture passages

📙 - Reflections written by the OCARM

🙏 - Questions to respond to in prayer

The 4 Steps of Lectio Divina

  • READ a brief passage of Scripture – “take a bite”

  • REFLECT and meditate on the word or phrase that caught your heart – “chew”

  • RESPOND in prayer to what God called to your attention – “savor”

  • REST in God, contemplating his word to you – “digest”


“knock at its locked door, and it will be opened to you by the porter, of whom Jesus says, ‘To him the porter opens.' And applying yourself thus to the divine study, seek aright, and with unwavering trust in God, the meaning of the holy Scriptures, which so many have missed. Be not satisfied with knocking and seeking; for prayer is of all things indispensable to the knowledge of the things of God. For to this the Savior exhorted, and said not only, ‘Knock, and it shall be opened to you; and seek, and you shall find,' but also, ‘Ask, and it shall be given unto you.” - Origin to Gregory

Retreat prayer

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And let us not enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen