Let's pray the psalms through painting

The psalms resonate colorfully! For Advent, through visual prayers painted while in meditation; let us open ourselves to the presence of the Lord.


Visual prayers for Advent:

Receive every Sunday in December a psalm illustrated in one of my paintings.

With each psalm, some words touching my heart take shape: I give you an echo, of this Word so precious, in form of a painting... which will then resonate differently within each of your hearts.

I invite you to let the psalms resonate within you with a very simple method:

  1. Read the title of the painting (excerpt from the psalm), and ask for the grace of openness to the presence of God.
  2. Let your gaze circulate freely onto the canvas: Observe the shapes, their relationships, look at the colors, take note of any signs, the symbols, and the composition…
  3. Take a step back; take a look from further away then come closer, pay close attention ;-)
  4. Finally focus on the detail that caught your eye, the place where you feel something: stay there, with a welcoming heart!

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  • 1st Sunday of Advent - He teaches the humble in his ways
  • 2nz Sunday of Advent - Sing praise!
  • 3rd Sunday of Advent - He is great in the center of your being
  • 4th Sunday of Advent - Let us live and call out your Name!

Quick presentation of the artist:

My name is Anne-Laure Lavagna, I am 42, married for 20 years to Philippe and mother of 3. I am a professor of visual communication design for the French National Education in BTS.

For the past 10 years, the Lord has been calling me to evangelize through my paintings. At an Ignacian "prayer-creation" retreat, the Lord gave me the extraordinary taste of praying and painting at the same time. Echoing the Biblical Word received in my heart, giving it its colors: this is what allows me to live a very special communion with Him. I discovered my talent, a new form of prayer, of "dialogue" with God ... so invigorating!

Quickly I realized that these paintings lived in prayer and surrender, deeply touch people, link into other stories and expand hearts to the Presence of the Lord.

Today, evidently, I am happily advancing on this path of evangelism through art!

With the publication of a book "Mediations in color", the animation of "Prayer-painting", workshops, multiple exhibitions in Christian and secular places, I finally launched a new website: www.allpluscolors.com to "Extend to the world salvation and peace"!

Pray differently...with art!

For more information: www.allpluscolors.com (picture from the website)

Retreat prayer

Pray differently ... with art !

Lord, May we be touched by these visual prayers, which open us to another "form of prayer". Make us available to your Holy Spirit and be open to hearing your Word through these colors, mediating your message.