Spiritual preparation for Christmas

The advent season commences on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. For Christians, It is a time of waiting and spiritual preparation for the birth of Jesus. God is becoming a man among us. This journey consists of different stages, marked by four Advent Sundays, allowing us to live the mystery of nativity and truly feel the joy of Christmas. Similarly to Advent Calendars, we can experience this season day by day, approaching the 24th of December one step at a time. With Hozana’s prayer communities, we can cherish waiting time and get ready to welcome Christ.

Prepare your heart for Christmas.

There is often a preparation time preceding great liturgical feasts, like Lent before Easter. Their role is to equip us spiritually to better welcome and feel God’s presence in our lives. Preparing your heart for Christmas can be compared to getting ready for the arrival of a baby. Making some space, changing your priorities, welcoming and accepting change, and getting out of your head, are a few steps to take in anticipation. We shall not be taken off guard as those Bethlehem innkeepers who had no place left to host Mary and her child. So let’s prepare a place to welcome our Saviour starting now!

Advent retreats 

The advent retreats usually start on the first day of this season, namely, on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. It is also the beginning of a new liturgical year. However, some of them can start on the 1st of December. They create an opportunity to meditate upon the great mystery of God’s incarnation and readjust our ideas and welcome Christmas with true joy, celebrate the nativity, and commit acts of kindness.

Hozana offers many retreats: to Virgin Mary, with Bible, songs and challenges. Step by step towards Christmas, on a daily or weekly basis. It’s up to you to choose a retreat that suits you best!

Novenas to Holy Family

The feast of the Holy Family takes place on the first Sunday after Christmas. The Holy family includes Jesus, Virgin Mary, and her husband, Joseph. It is a model for all families and a space to seek reassurance and joy for all of us. A space where we all can feel invited, awaited, and welcome. The feast of the Holy Family is an occasion to pray and join its cosiness.

Reach out to the Holy Family and entrust your prayer intentions to their intercession through Hozana’s novenas.