YOUCAT Challenge

In the light of the youth catechism, this community will help you read the Sunday Gospel. And with our weekly challenge we can put into practice what we have read.


To get to know Christ in depth you can choose several ways, but the most perfect and direct way is through the reading of the Gospels. His life among us is His greatest witness of love.

To fall in love with Jesus is the logical consequence of knowing Him, of being interested in Him.

Motivated by the Word of God and Tradition

The Bible and the Catechism are inseparably united since the Scripture and Tradition are the pillars of our faith. Therefore, the idea of linking the Gospel with the Youth Catechism and the Social Doctrine of the Church was also born.

You can't love someone you don't know

Your weekly challenge

This community will help you read the Sunday Gospel in the light of the youth catechism or the social doctrine of the Church. In addition, we want to challenge ourselves and put forward as a firm proposal, a concrete action during the week that will help us put into practice what we have read.

Principle of participation

In accordance with the principle of participation, which is at the forefront in all projects of the YOUCAT Foundation this project was also developed together with a team of international youth.

About the Foundation

The YOUCAT Foundation is an organization for the New Evangelization that contributes to the renewal of the Church throughout the world with the charism of "teaching".

YOUCAT not only develops printed publications of the Youth Catechism and the Youth Study Bible, YOUCAT also inspires Catholic youth through the digital world to accompany them on their common journey of learning and growth in faith. 

If you want to read the YOUCAT daily visit us: 

Prayer from the community

Come holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you will renew the face of the earth. Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit you have taught the hearts of your faithful. In the same Spirit help us to relish what is right and always rejoice in your consolation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.