Alive! A community for women

A community for you, woman! Journey with us to be a free woman, strong, joyful, alive, enterprising, courageous, generous, confident, unified, fruitful! Let's go?


For WHO?

This community is for all women without any exception! Whether you are a catholic, a little, a lot, madly, not at all…brunette, blonde, black or redhead, big or small, married, single, young or old, French, Congolese or Canadian…there is no prerequisite to join us!

No prerequisite… if not that of BEING A WOMAN!

You ask yourself thousands of questions? You should know you are not the only one, thousands of other women do too! So join us, this community for you!  


There are questions, problems, answers, that are unique to women and common to all women. That is the reason why we have created this community on Hozana.

To accompany you in your questions as a woman, to help you ask yourself appropriate questions, to find the appropriate answers and then grow and move forward!

While walking along with us, you will meet the answers that you need. What does your woman’s heart desire? How can it be filled? How to recognise the right direction for you? What does it mean ‘to be free’? How to handle your frustrations? And many other questions that we shall ask and look for answers together.  

The objective, in a word: that you should be a free woman, strong, joyful, alive, enterprising, courageous, generous, confident, unified, fertile!  

How does it work?

We propose to walk all together in the long term: every month, we shall tackle a big theme during a session of 3-4 days that will permit us to discuss various topics.

Within each monthly session, you will receive:
- Texts (testimonies, extracts, reflections, lessons etc)
- A model woman (from France, the Bible, saint, of our time and of yesteryear, etc)
- Questions related to contents to deepen your reflection and find answers.

Pro tip: have a notebook and a pencil thoughout this adventure, to write down the statements which impressed you, the examples which spoke to you, the thoughts which crossed your mind, the answers you brought to your questions. So you can regularly reread them and so as not to lose a bit of the lessons you have learned.


-August, Mary mediator of all graces: the place of woman’s mediation between God and humanity

-September, The Glorious Cross: my sufferings, a road to Glory

-October, Both Therese: Action and contemplation, the mission

-November, day of kindness: goodness is a weapon

-December, ND de Guadalupe: woman, life bearer


Who are we?

We are christian women who addresses all women, with the desire to help them be more alive and beautiful!

Cœur de femme:   

Inspired by the Best Seller Cœur de Femme (Captivating) by Stasi Eldrege, Cœur de Femme Retreats have been living for more than 10 years in Colorado (US) and have changed the lives of thousands of women. Since 2013, a team of women who have also been touched after reading this book, has been formed and organises sessions in France. We propose to encourage women discover the beauty of their identity. We would like that each of them feels happy about the art and the unique way she lives her feminity.

Mission Woman Get Up:

‘‘Women of the entire universe, christians or non-believers, you to whom life is entrusted at this moment so serious of history, it’s up to you to save the peace of the world !’’ (Paul VI, clôture du Concile Vatican II). 

The Mission Woman get up brings together women who wish to answer this call relayed by Jean-Paul II : 

‘‘Here comes the time when the vocation of the woman is fulfilled in fullness…that is why, at this moment when humanity is undergoing such a profound transformation, women imbued with the spirit of the gospel can help not to fall’’ (Mulieris Dignitatem). 

We bring together organisations, favor initiatives that work on the deployment of the missionary and prophetic vocation of the woman and put their talents at the service of the proclamation of the Gospel. Following Mary Magdalene who lets herself be saved, be raised and sent by Christ, we invite all women to get up in the joy of the Gospel.


Start with our August retreat: Woman, An Outstanding Mediator!

Check the program:

Day1 : Woman and mediator!

Day2 : I distribute what I wear!

Day3 : All missionary disciples of the Grace!

Bonus : Little trinitarian way

Prayer from the community

Prayer for women

Thank you Lord for creating me woman! I am your daughter and I bless you for this new day, where your kindness and mercy are renewed again for me. I stand in the shadow of your wings and let myself love and look though you (I take time to let myself be watched by the Lord in all my being as a woman) Lord, you are my Creator and you have desired me from all eternity, as I am. You love me so much, I have so much value in your eyes that you gave your life for me. I thank you for the Life and Beauty that flow in me. By your Holy Spirit, I ask you the grace to take care of it, to glorify you with all my being as a woman. Lord, you are my God, my Saviour, my Beloved… (I take time to tell the Lord who He is for me : my rock, my sheperd…) Father, on this day, bless my thoughts, my actions and my encounters ; may your blessing reach each person you will put on my way. Through the intercession of all the holy women of heaven, I beg you to fill the hearts of women of the Hozanna community. Amen.