Online Lent Retreat with the Augustinians

The Augustinian Order is people - men and women - who, in the words of the Rule we profess, "live together in harmony, being of one mind and one heart on the way to God."


Journey through Lent with the Augustinians: from Ash Wednesday till Easter, we are inviting you to live the Lent Season in the light of Interiority, a key value of Augustinian spirituality.

Interiority could be described as a kind of Christian Mindfulness; although it has been around much longer than this trend and offers something far richer and deeper for those open to its faith dimension.

In a busy and confusing world, we need, perhaps more than ever, the fruits of this great Augustinian treasure.

You'll receive a daily reflection, written by one of our friars, based on the readings of the day. 

Our team of writers:

- Fr Gianni Notarianni O.S.A.

- Fr Paul Graham O.S.A. 

- Fr Anthony Zabbey O.S.A.

- Fr John Byrne O.S.A. 

- Fr Jeremias Kiesl OSA

- Dr Kieran J. O'Mahony OSA

If you like our posts, share them with your friends!

Follow the Order of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.), Province of England and Scotland  


NOTE: If we are the only retreat you follow on Hozana, we advise you to activate "Online Lent Retreat with the Augustinians" in the section "Emails from the communities you follow" and to disable "A daily digest of your prayer space" in the General Settings (using this link 

Novena prayer


"God speaks to us in the great silence of the heart." - St Augustine -