Pray with the Little Flower
Let St. Therese of Lisieux send you a multitude of fragrant spiritual roses throughout the year, to help you on your own “Little Way” to Heaven!
Our objective
Let us follow St. Thérèse‘s' “Little Way” to manifest our love for God and for others during our daily lives.
Let us be open to let God tend to our inner spiritual garden! St. Thérèse will shower you with a multitude of fragrant spiritual roses to help you on your own “Little Way” to Heaven, with God's help and love.
St. Thérèse knew very well that no one is too little or no task is insignificant in God's eyes if it is done out of love for him in accordance with his will.
This community will give you everyday (or almost!) an excerpt from Saint Thérèse's writings to meditate and to guide you to live out your days with confidence in God's love for you
“God would never inspire me with desires which cannot be realized; so in spite of my littleness, I can hope to be a saint.”
Recognise that each day is a gift in which your life can make a difference by the way you choose to live it!
To register, it's easy: click on the JOIN button at the top right (or top).
Let's pray together!