Lenten Retreat with Pope Francis 2024
Join this lenten retreat to prepare for Easter.
The journey begins in sombre purple but ends in the joy and celebration of
white vestments as we celebrate the Resurrection. The season of Lent, which
begins on Ash Wednesday, is the start of that journey to the joy of Easter.
Why Join?
We are probably used to packing suitcases for our travels and then un-packing
and re-packing them because there is a limit on how much we can bring. The
important thing is to have the essentials. The Lenten journey needs no suitcase
but is an opportunity to focus on the essentials, on what truly matters in our life
of faith.
“We have been given forty days, a ‘favourable time' to remind ourselves that the world is bigger than our narrow personal needs, and to rediscover the joy, not of accumulating material goods, but of caring for those who are poor and afflicted. Let us set out, then, on the path of prayer and use these forty days to restore God's primacy in our lives and to dialogue with him from the heart, and not only in spare moments”
Pope Francis
The Programme
Every Sunday and Wednesday in Lent and everyday in Holy Week a series of
meditations and questions for reflections, linked to Pope Francis' Message for
Lent, will be posted to help us prepare for the joy of the Resurrection.
Liam Kelly
Liam Kelly works at Ampleforth Abbey and has written a number of books,
most recently Lent in 50 Moments, a series of reflections from Ash Wednesday
to Easter Wednesday.