Novena for the deliverance of the Armenian people

Please pray with the Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg, led by Bp. Mikael Mouradian, for the total deliverance of the Armenians in Artsakh being attacked and starved to death.


Why Join?

Azerbaijan is now attacking the Republic of Artsakh.

Since becoming the first Catholic, thus the first Christian nation in 301 AD, the Armenians have lived and died for their faith in Christ.  Most notably, they have suffered waves of genocide for their faith with the most memorable recent episode being the murder of 1.5 million Christian Armenians living in Turkey by Turkish Muslims in the years 1915-17.  

Sadly, this history of persecution has continued and currently 120,000 Armenians in the Republic of Artsakh have been blockaded since December 2022 and are being starved to death by Azerbaijani Muslim forces.  The President of Turkey, an ally and supporter of Azerbaijan, has publicly stated they are completing what their grandfathers started, or in otherwords the genocide of the Christian Armenians. 

The situation is dire and the Armenians in Artsakh need heavenly succor, material support, and deliverance, and all involved need conversion in Christ!

Praying this perpetual Novena and fasting is an important way to plea to God to help the Armenians and their persecutors to know Christ and His peace. Thank you for your immediate help in this way.

Please pray the Novena calling on the Blessed Mother, St. Gregory of Narek, and the Holy Spirit to come to their aid.

We must pray! From Acts 12: 5 :

Peter thus was being kept in prison, but prayer was made without ceasing  by the Church to God for him.

The Program

Every day for 9 days you will receive:

  • A quote from scriptures 📖
  • The novena prayers 🪔
  • The concluding prayer to St. Gregory of Narek 🙏

You may also fast as you are able in humility and in solidarity with the Armenians in Artsakh and repeat the prayer for another nine days etc.

Who Are We

The Armenian Catholic Church is one of the 24 Catholic Churches in union with the Holy See headed by the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. 

The Armenian Catholic Eparchy of our Lady of Nareg covers the United States and Canada and is led by Bishop Mikael Antoine Mouradian, I.C.P.B.   The seat of the Eparchy is St. Gregory The Illuminator Cathedral in Glendale, CA. 

Link to a video on EWTN on the plight of Armenians with the Bishop of the Eparchy of our Lady of Nareg.

Further information!

Here is the Philos page where you can sign up for updates:

Click here to see the video of the prayer vigil held on Friday

Pray for the Armenian Christians who are being persecuted.

Novena prayer

A prayer of St. Gregory of Narek

Remember, Lord, those of the human race who are our enemies as well, and for their benefit accord them pardon and mercy … Do not destroy those who persecute me, but reform them, root out the vile ways of this world, and plant the good in me and them. Amen St. Gregory of Narek, Doctor of the Church