Marriage and Sacrifice with St. Joseph
By entrusting ourselves to St. Joseph, to whom God entrusted His greatest treasures, we may become like him: silent, hidden, humble saints.
Why join?
Though the Sacred Scripture says little about a man who not a word of his is recorded in the Bible, this silence surrounding St. Joseph speaks volumes about his hidden witness, heroic sacrifice, and persevering saintliness.
By meditating deeply upon those sacred texts that apply directly to St. Joseph we will become immersed in his decision to embrace the Blessed Virgin Mary as his own, and the sacrifice that followed his decision.
We will follow St. Joseph over the course of 10 days to learn how to listen to God, receive the divine summons to follow Christ, learn what St. Joseph's secret weapon was, and how we can use this weapon to defeat the enemy.
We will also learn what inaugurated St. Joseph's call to fatherly greatness, and how we can follow his humble example in our hope to become the saint that God has called and destined us to be.
Though these meditations are primarily for men, the insights will inspire both men and women to take Joseph as their advocate and learn to follow his humble, silent, hidden example.
The Program
Over the course of ten days we will trek with St. Joseph during the earliest days of his vocational call and crisis. On the last day, we will consecrate ourselves to our Lord Jesus Christ by means of entrusting ourselves to our parents in the order of grace: Holy Mary and St. Joseph.
- Day 1: Listening
- Day 2: The Call
- Day 3: St. Joseph's Secret Weapon
- Day 4: Sacred Respect
- Day 5: Claiming Authority
- Day 6: The Obedient Man
- Day 7: Embracing Woman
- Day 8: Submission to Authorities
- Day 9: Holy Detachment
- Day 10: The Contemplative
Fathers of Saint Joseph
The Father's of St. Joseph is an ecclesiastically endorsed and approved confraternity that labors for the restoration, revitalization, and redemption of human fatherhood, in order that it may become what God has designed it to be: an efficacious icon that directs the human family to God its Father.
The Father's of St. Joseph launch local chapters and men's groups, develop books, programs, offer retreats, and conference talks with the intention of helping men live the spirituality that enabled St. Joseph to become a father on earth like the Father in heaven. To discover the timeless sanctity of the vocation of fatherhood. This spirituality is founded upon St. Joseph's four pillars: Embrace Silence; embrace Woman; Embrace the Child; and Embrace Charitable Authority.