A Year with the Saints

“Be holy in all that you do, after the model of the Holy One who calls us” (1 Pt. 1:15). The calendar of saints provides us with inspiring examples of holiness to guide us in our daily lives


Why Join?

“The saints were not superhuman. They were people who loved God in their hearts and who shared this joy with others” (Pope Francis). A Year with the Saints is an opportunity to join in regular reflections on the feasts of saints from all over the world, to learn about their lives and seek their guidance to live out our witness of the Gospel in today's world.

The Programme

On the feast days of important saints in the Church's calendar, a series of meditations and questions for reflection will be posted to challenge and inspire us in our response to the call to holiness.

Liam Kelly

Liam Kelly works at Ampleforth Abbey and is a member of the Hospitality Team.

He has a written a number of books, most recently The Glorious Journey, a reflection based on the film ‘The Two Popes', and Lent in 50 Moments.

Come and See at Ampleforth Abbey: https://www.ampleforthabbey.org.uk/retreats

Community prayer

A prayer for inspiration

God, source of all holiness, we thank you for the example of your saints who guide us today. Lord, may everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your saving help. Let our work always find its origin in you and through you reach completion. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.