Releasing the Arrow: Sermons & pics from Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.

Sermons preached by Fr Lawrence Lew OP, Promoter General of the Holy Rosary. Sermons follow the Dominican Rite lectionary and also the new Roman Rite lectionary.


First the bow is bent in study, then the arrow is released in preaching...

Hugh of St Cher (13th-century Dominican friar and Cardinal)

The Sermons

Read the sermons by Father Lawrence Lew, offered on most Sundays and occasional feasts and ferial days. Follow these sermons and:

  • Progress in your spiritual life 🪔
  • Deepen your Faith 🙏
  • Understand the Scriptures 📖
  • Choose God and His everlasting Love for you! 🔥


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The Dominican Rite

The Dominican Mass is a type of traditional mass, also known as the extraordinary form.

The Dominican Rite is the liturgy used by the Order of preachers from the mid-13th century until 1969. This rite is still used by individual Friars around the world and knows an ever increasing popularity.

Discover the Dominican rite:

Father Lawrence Lew

Is the world-wide General Promoter of the Rosary for the Dominican Order globally.

Discover the Dominican Order here:

The Rosary Shrine, London

This historic Catholic church and Diocesan Shrine served by the Dominican Friars is situated near Hampstead Heath in London. It is a place of Peace and Prayer.

If you wish to know more, visit

Community prayer

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.