Day 7: Ask, knock, search - On board!

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Jesus' advice: Gospel according to St. Matthew (7: 7-12) 

As the disciples were assembled around Jesus on the mountain, He told them  "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you

will find ; knock, and it will be opened to you. 

For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 

Daily action :

The message is clear. Do not dispair and don't be discouraged! Keep searching and knocking on doors. Some people may not answer. Do not give up! The majority of doors when knocked upon will open, you will be amazed by the kindness and generosity of people.
Remember people love to give advice. It is rewarding for them to do so. Therefore dare, they will seldom say no!

Today, I send in an application (Resume + personalised letter for each offer) for all of the positions I have found. In addition, I send an email to people who may be able to help me. I send my resume with it, explaining the kind of job I am looking for and my approach so far for finding a job. Today and everyday until I reach my goal and scream "VICTORY"! It is going to work!

 With the approval of the friend you sponsor, inform all of your contacts about your friend. spread the word , even send his CV ,especially the most relevant contacts (sending an e-mail to your contact, outlining your friend's search, putting a copy of his CV) 

Then pray: 

1 Our Father 

1 Hail Mary

The daily prayer to St. Joseph the Artisan by clicking “Pray” below.

Prière de la communauté


Joseph, Model of Labourers Good Saint Joseph, when God wanted a family for his Son, He looked among the labourers, and chose you along with Mary, demonstrating His esteem for human work. You put your heart into your work, and share your workshop with Jesus. Your work, like that of other humans, found new meaning in the presence of God. Sustain us in the hope of finding work when we are confronted with the desolation of unemployment. Counsel business leaders to create an equitable division of labour that is respectful of individuals, and promotes our growth and happiness. Help us to perform our work joyfully, conscientiously, fairly and honestly. Prepare our hearts to recognize your Son in our colleagues at work. Amen. (St. Joseph Oratory, Montreal, CANADA)

Merci ! 821 personnes ont prié

32 commentaires

Que vos paroles soient toujours bienveillantes, qu’elles ne manquent pas de sel, vous saurez ainsi répondre à chacun comme il faut. Col 4 : 6


Novena to St. Joseph to Find a Job

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