Day 5: The house built on rock - Strategy for the conquest.

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Jesus' advice: Gospel according to Matthew (7: 24-27)

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

Action of the day:

Job hunting should be carefully prepared. Looking for a job is a full-time job! It is important to have vision, to know your objectives, and to create a strategy to attain your goal! This is very time consuming and requires relentless effort, patience, endurance, and resilience. Like a home, it has to have a solid foundation !

Today,  I « build » strategy and my day to day plan of attack. I identify the steps needed to obtain my objectif. I establish a list of actions that I have to take and prioritise them so that my research will be fruitful.
For instance, these actions could be to actualise a profile Viadeo, to open a profile Linkedin, to make a list of the people I could contact and a list of those who could give me advice. Look into websites on which I could fill out an application and send a resume and identify companies that I could send a resume to.

 If you are a sponsor: take 10 minutes  to identify the best ways to help the person you are sponsoring: contacts you could send them, websites of job offers you could recommend, recommendations on social platforms (Linkedin, etc)

Then pray: 

1 Our Father 

1 Hail Mary

The daily prayer to St. Joseph the Artisan by clicking “Pray” below.

Prière de la communauté


Joseph, Model of Labourers Good Saint Joseph, when God wanted a family for his Son, He looked among the labourers, and chose you along with Mary, demonstrating His esteem for human work. You put your heart into your work, and share your workshop with Jesus. Your work, like that of other humans, found new meaning in the presence of God. Sustain us in the hope of finding work when we are confronted with the desolation of unemployment. Counsel business leaders to create an equitable division of labour that is respectful of individuals, and promotes our growth and happiness. Help us to perform our work joyfully, conscientiously, fairly and honestly. Prepare our hearts to recognize your Son in our colleagues at work. Amen. (St. Joseph Oratory, Montreal, CANADA)

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18 commentaires

Que vos paroles soient toujours bienveillantes, qu’elles ne manquent pas de sel, vous saurez ainsi répondre à chacun comme il faut. Col 4 : 6


Novena to St. Joseph to Find a Job

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