The Joy of Saint Francis

Brother Leon, who deeply admired St. Francis asked, "Father, on behalf of God, please tell me where I can find perfect joy?". St. Francis answered,  "When we arrive at the Saint Mary of the Angels' convent, dripping wet, freezing cold, and covered in mud, we shall knock at the door and the doorman will angrily say:” Who are you?” and we shall say" we are two of your brothers ", and he will answer, " you are not telling  me the truth, because you are two thieves who go around lying to the world and stealing from the poor, go away !". 

Saint Francis's Fioretti

Meditation : 

When we speak about the joy of Saint Francis we usually just imagine him dancing around and singing God's praises. Even though this may be true, we are missing out on the big picture of Francis's true joy.

This true joy is the result of a combat between good and evil: the heart of a man who possesses true joy is impenetrable to the evil spirit. De facto asceticism is not absent from Franciscan joy. This can go on to as far as welcoming contradiction or even hostility, as is illustrated by the Fioretti on the setbacks of Francis and Leon, who were expelled from the community suffering humiliation and rejection. In the passage about "true joy" Francis is rejected by his own Order, “we need you no more!” What is the purpose of true joy as described by St. Francis? Certainly not to feel pleasure by being humiliated and rejected, but rather to teach oneself not to be overwhelmed by trials and tribulations. On the contrary, we should confront our distress with realism neither loosing inner or outer peace. This is where the Franciscan motto "Peace and Joy" comes from.

Brother Bernard Cerles, Conventual Franciscan – Tarbes

Resolution for the Day

Regardless of the difficulties and trials encountered, Francis remained in profound peace and joy. And me, today, will I be able to keep peaceful and joyful under all circumstances? Will I be able to give a true smile filled with love to each person that the Lord wants me to meet today? Smiling will get rid of bad moods, anger and despair as it pacifies the one who gives it and the one who receives it.

Prayer Intention

Lord, we pray for all those who are saddened by the separation or the lost of a loved one. May they receive a kind word of hope from their friends and/or family.

Prière de la communauté

Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

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Que vos paroles soient toujours bienveillantes, qu’elles ne manquent pas de sel, vous saurez ainsi répondre à chacun comme il faut. Col 4 : 6


St Francis of Assisi - Make Me an Instrument of His Peace!

Je m'inscris