1. See with the Eyes of God

I'm asking the Holy Ghost to enable me to see my existence with His eyes and wisdom in order to make the big decisions of my life but also those of my daily life.

Discovering the Gift of Wisdom

“Seeing the world, situations, current circumstances, problems, everything with the eyes of God, such is wisdom. Sometimes we do see things according to our own pleasure or how we feel in our hearts, namely with love, hatred or envy…This is not the way God sees them. Wisdom is what The Holy Ghost accomplishes in us so that we see all things with the eyes of God.

Such is the gift of wisdom.

This, of course, comes from the intimacy with God, the intimate relationship we have with God, a Father-children relationship. When we are in such a relationship, the Holy Ghost grants us the gift of wisdom. When we are in communion with the Lord, it is as if the Holy Ghost transfigured our hearts and had them feel His warmth and His favour.

The Holy Ghost then makes a Christian “wise” not in the sense that he has an answer to everything, but rather in the sense that he “knows” about God, he knows how God acts, he recognizes things coming from God and distinguishes them from those not coming from God; he has made his the wisdom that God gives our hearts.

It is in this sense that the wise man has the taste and the flavour of God”

- Pope Francis 

Asking for the gift of wisdom

Father, I pray Thee for the gift of wisdom…Come through Thy Holy Ghost and give me a praying heart fed with silence and adoration.

Let me see the events of my life, the circumstances of my daily routine and the movements of my heart not with the eyes of the world but with Thine eyes.

Come Creator Spirit and visit me, give me the grace to constantly live in Thy presence in the middle of the world. Grant me, as Thou act in me and through me, to enable other people to taste the delights of Thy wisdom.

I'm asking Thee this by Jesus, the Christ, and our Lord. Amen.

Living and partaking the gift of wisdom

Today I keep my heart open to the action of the Holy Ghost. 

I appeal to Him regularly so that I learn how to look at things through the eyes of God. I choose someone with whom to partake what I have discovered of the wisdom of God.

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life.”
- 1 John 1:1

Prière de la communauté

Veni Creator

Come Creator Spirit to visit us, Come to enlighten the soul of thy sons; Fill our hearts with grace and light, Thee who created everything with love, Thee, the gift, the envoy of the Most High God, Thou made Thyself our defensor, Thou art Love, Fire, and the Spring of Life. Strength and Sweetness of the grace of the Lord, Give us the seven gifts of Thy Love, Thee, the finger that works in the name of the Father, Thee whose Kingdom and Coming He promised us, Thee who inspires our tongues to sing. Bring Clarity into us, inflame us Spread in our hearts the Love of the Father, Come and strengthen our bodies in their weakness, Give them everlasting vigour. Chase away the fiend that threatens us, Hasten to give us peace, So that we walk under Thy guidance and our lives be cleansed of all sins. Let us see the face of the Most High. And reveal to us that of the Son, Thee, the Sprit common to both that brings them together. Come into our hearts so that we forever believe in Thee. Glory to God, our Father in heaven, Glory to the Son who is from hell arisen, Glory to the Spirit of Strength and Wisdom. For ever and ever. Amen

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5 commentaires

Que vos paroles soient toujours bienveillantes, qu’elles ne manquent pas de sel, vous saurez ainsi répondre à chacun comme il faut. Col 4 : 6


The Seven Gifts of The Holy Spirit

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