Novena to the Servant of God: Carlo Acutis

Novena with Carlo Acutis, beatified on the 10.10.2020 in Assisi.


Join us in praying this novena made at the occasion of the beatification of Bl. Carlo Acutis 

Carlo Acutis was a young Italian who died at the age of 15 of leukaemia, he had a short but intense life driven by his immense love for Jesus and the Eucharist. As we remember his words : 'Jesus is my great friend and the Eucharist is my highway to Heaven' let us ask for his intercession so that the institution of a Shrine of the Most Holy Sacrament can be founded in the Uk.

Servant of God Carlo Acutis pray for us!

Prayer from the novena

Prayer to the Servant of God Carlo Acutis

Dear Father, Who has given us the ardent testimony of the young Servant of God, Carlo Acutis, who made the Eucharist the core of his life and strength of his daily commitments so that everybody may love You above all else, let him soon be counted among the Blesseds and Saints in Your Church. Confirm my Faith nurture my Hope, strengthen my Charity in the image of young Carlo, who, growing in these virtues, now lives with You. Grant me the grace I really need.... I trust in you, Father, and your Beloved Son Jesus, in the Virgin Mary, our Dearest Mother, and in the intervention of Your Servant, Carlo Acutis. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be