For protection: novena to St. Michael

Take 9 days to pray for the intercession of St. Michael Archangel, and ask for his protection. May St. Michael defend us against evil, may he protect the Church and strengthen our souls!


Why Pray to St. Michael?

In the Book of Revelation, St. Michael is the Archangel that defeated the Dragon and expelled it from Heaven. The Church also perceives Michael as a "Psychopom", a guide escorting souls to the afterlife. 

In Hebrew, St. Michael's name means "who is like God?". Formulated as a question, the name implies that no one can pretend to be like God, except someone with the same pride as Satan, the demon who wanted to take God's place. 

Start a Spiritual Journey

In this program, you will receive an email every day for 9 days containing:

  • A prayer of intercession to St. Michael for his protection - a different prayer every day. 
  • A meditation on St. Michael by Father Rémi Griveaux of the Saint-Germain de Charonne parish in Paris. He is the author of the book  Qui est comme Dieu ? - " who is like God? ", (2009) ed. Parole et Silence.
  • The prayer of St. Michael Archangel, composed by Pope Leo XIII after he experienced a vision of hell. This prayer used to be recited at the end of each Mass, by every celebrant around the world. 

The Program:

  • Day 1 - St. Michael, who shields us against evil: pray for us! 
  • Day 2 - St. Michael, prince of all Angels, hear our prayers! 
  • Day 3 - St. Michael, the defender of Christians, save the Church! 
  • Day 4 - St. Michael, champion of the Good Angels, help us! 
  • Day 5 - St. Michael, protector of the Church, crush Satan under your feet ! 
  • Day 6 - St. Michael, come help the People of God! 
  • Day 7 - St. Michael, commander of Heaven's Armies, strengthen our hearts! 
  • Day 8 - St. Michael, we pay hommage to your heavenly beauty! 
  • Day 9 - St. Michael, assist us in our last fight! 


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Novena prayer

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.