Praying with Saint Rita

You, in the midst of hardship, come and pray, with confidence, to Saint Rita in order to entrust her with your trials and regain courage!


Illnesses, hardships, difficulties of all kinds afflict many individuals and families at all times and especially now.

Our Heavenly Father chose Saint Rita among the Saints of Heaven to be the support and the comfort of those who suffer on earth.

Saint Rita is the saint of desperate causes.

She is invoked daily by thousands of the faithful when human resources no longer allow them to find the solution to their misfortune, their suffering, their distress.

Come and pray, with confidence, to this great Saint in order to entrust her with your trials and regain courage.

The life of Saint Rita

The life of Saint Rita shows her patience, persistence, and above all, her love of God.

Saint Rita, saint of lost and desperate causes, lived from 1381 to 1457.

Five centuries later her life continues to inspire millions of people around the world. Her life is one where mystical phenomena and everyday simplicity come together; a life full of great suffering but lived in the joy of “loving without counting”.

AS a young girl Rita is already completely turned towards God. Married by family obligation to a rough man, she overcomes him with her gentleness and patience throughout the initial difficulties of her marriage. She lives eighteen happy years with the man with whom she will have two children. She was 36 when he was treacherously murdered. Some time later, she loses her two children.

Entering the monastery, she immersed herself in an intense life of prayer. Her intimate union with Christ crucified is manifested by the stigmata of the thorn on her body. She welcomes all those who come to ask for her help and her prayer.

All of Saint Rita's life breathes the love of God and total confidence in his Providence.

On her dying bed, Rita asks her cousin to go pick her a rose. Although it is the middle of winter, her relative finds the rose. This episode is at the origin of the image where we see Saint Rita spreading roses, symbol of the graces she obtains for those who trust in the intercession of "the saint of desperate & impossible cases”


How to pray?

Every month you will receive a prayer to Saint Rita from the 14th to the 22nd, which you can pray as a novena. Additionally, you may also wish to say this prayer:

Glorious Saint Rita, you who so marvelously participated in the painful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, grant me to suffer with resignation the pains of this life and protect me in all my necessities.

You can also make requests for specific intentions which the community will join in communion of prayer.

Novena prayer

Prayer to Saint Rita

O holy Rita, advocate of desperate causes, I appeal to your miraculous gift that Jesus Christ our Lord has entrusted to you by stigmatizing you with the thorn. O glorious holy Rita, I leave it to you and implore your charity and kindness to take care of my desperate case. Saint Rita, protector of the needy, ease my spirit. Saint Rita, anchor of salvation, lighten the load on my shoulders. Saint Rita, daisy of Paradise, open my hands. Saint Rita, chosen by Heaven, change my gaze. Saint Rita, model of purity, dry my tears. Saint Rita, advocate of desperate causes, listen to my prayer. O blessed Saint Rita, I call on you today and I will call on you tomorrow. May your benevolence intercede for me with the Lord so that he protects me and guides me. Saint Rita, advocate of desperate causes, pray for me. Amen.