St. Joseph novena to sell house

Ask St. Joseph's assistance if you want assistance with a pressing need such as selling your home. The St. Joseph novena to help sell your house faster.


What advice do friends give when you tell them that your house is up for sale? Pray to St. Joseph, say a novena, dig a hole in your garden and put a statue of him, put a statue of him in your front window… Does it work? Of course it does and for that matter, he takes care of everything! Back then he was a carpenter, today we would probably say “Mr Fix It”. He is the guardian of the Holy Family and All Families! As St. Teresa of Avila says:

 « I wish I could persuade everyone to be devoted to glorious St Joseph, for I do not remember to this day ever having asked him for anything that he didn't grant me. (…) I only request, for the love of God, whoever will not believe me will test the truth of what I say (…) » 

Why a novena?

A novena is said consecutively for nine days, and can be an effective means to gaining a favorable intercession on your behalf. Saying a St Joseph Novena can be an effective way to get what your asking for. Say these prayers for nine days in a row.


Evident in many Bible verses, the home has both a physical and spiritual meaning. We must build our homes upon solid structural and moral foundation to ensure its sustainability over time. Luckily, scripture provides us proper guidance for creating a good home in our lives. 

Each day of the novena, you will receive:
- a Bible verses relating to this topic of home
- St Joseph's prayer to sell a house

Novena prayer

St Joseph's Prayer to Sell a House

O, Saint Joseph, you who taught our Lord the carpenter's trade, and saw to it that he was always properly housed, hear my earnest plea. I want you to help me now as you helped your foster-child Jesus, and as you have helped many others in the matter of housing. I wish to sell this house quickly, easily, and profitably and I implore you to grant my wish by bringing me a good buyer, one who is eager, compliant, and honest, and by letting nothing impede the rapid conclusion of the sale. Dear Saint Joseph, I know you would do this for me out of the goodness of your heart and in your own good time, but my need is very great now and so I must make you hurry on my behalf. Saint Joseph, I am going to place you in a difficult position with your head in darkness and you will suffer as our Lord suffered, until this house is sold. Then, Saint Joseph, I swear before the cross and God Almighty, that I will redeem you and you will receive my gratitude and a place of honor in my home. Amen.