Advent 2019 with Saint Joseph

This year, the Carmelite Sisters offer you a retreat with St. Joseph. Spend a prayerful Advent with St. Joseph through meditations of the Word - "Let the Word Come" !

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This year, Live Advent with St. Joseph

This year, the Carmelite Sisters offer you a retreat with St. Joseph.

Since St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), St. Joseph has an important place in the Carmelite tradition.

The name of St. Joseph has been given to most of the carmelite monasteries founded.

Moreover, the prayer spiritual guide recommended was "Our glorious Father St. Joseph".
Effectively, he played a decisive role in the history of our salvation and yet he passed almost unnoticed among his own. 

What can be said about the one whose Holy Scripture has not retained any word?

St. Joseph, however, has so much to teach us.

He will help us to enter into silence in this Advent and to Let the God's Word Come.

We will therefore follow a biblical retreat enlightened by the tradition of Carmel to prepare us to welcome Jesus, the Word of God educated by Joseph and Mary.


Theme of each week of Advent:

Introduction: Be surprised !
Week 1: Adjust your expectations
Week 2: To turn to God
Week 3: Give voice to the Word
Week 4: Open your heart
Christmas: Joy of St.Joseph
Epiphany: Testimonies

After an introduction on November 30th, from Sunday, December 1st until Christmas you will receive by e-mail:
- every Sunday: A meditation issued from the Word of God texts with 3 practice tracks
- from Monday to Saturday: A Carmelite sentence, a passage from the Gospel and a picture to meditate with St. Joseph.

Register today, for free, by clicking on the blue button at the top right 'I JOIN'.

May you encounter the Child Jesus!
©Copyright Province de Paris des Carmes Déchaux.

Novena prayer

Hail Joseph

Hail Joseph, Son of David, the just and the chaste, wisdom is with you; Blessed are you among all men and blessed is Jesus, the fruit of Mary, your faithful spouse. Holy Joseph, worthy foster-father and guardian of Jesus Christ and of the holy Church pray for us sinners and obtain divine Wisdom for us from God, now and at the hour of our death. Amen