Novena honouring of the Ascension

Nine days to prepare our hearts to the feast of Ascension: Every day, a short meditation with the help of the Word of God on the mystery of Ascension, followed by a prayer.


Day 0: By our baptism, we have become the Temple of the Spirit

Day 1: Ascension, fourty days after Resurrection

Day 2: Ascension, Jesus raised above all things

Day 3: Ascension, a message of Hope

Day 4: Ascension, "whoever humbles himself will be exalted after Him"

Day 5: Ascension, a prelude to Pentecost

Day 6: Ascension announces the Day of the Lord, or Parousia

Day 7: Ascension, a lifting up to Heaven in joy and hope

Day 8: Ascension, a call to mission

D. Day: Ascension, prayer with Mary 

Novena prayer

Prayer in preparation to Ascension (Father Jean-Louis Barre)

You ascended into heaven, risen Lord, but without leaving us, for your life has triumphed over all our dead, your victory has triumphed over all our defeats. Oh my Lord, sitting at the right hand of the Father, you are also near each one of us, being one with us, to accompany us in this fight to lead for the reign of the Kingdom of Our Father in heaven. Jesus now present in all the tabernacles of the world, as the Apostle of the Father, you lead us in your adoration in spirit and in truth. And you carry us higher and higher in your ascent to the Father, drawing us from our hells that you have trapped by burying yourself in there. Jesus of the ascension you have reserved for yourself the descent into the pit of our impasses that enclose us to open a path to freedom by your return to the Father who can see us only in you. And in this mercy, you draw us upward, ever higher in the splendors of heaven. O blessed are you Lord of my darkness where you have buried yourself like a leaven of light that burst the old skins filled with a new wine for the sake of a new heaven and a new earth. Through your Spirit, give me to descend into this hollow of faults where the Adversary seeks to hold me, so that I can cry out to you: "My Lord and my God, always give me absolution and preserve me from mortal sin. With Mother Mary, I allow myself to be drawn into the paths of conversion and love that hasten your return to Glory, because you can no longer resist the calls of the members of your body, for whom you have given your life forever. Yes, Risen Lord, your ascension makes us wait and hope in the Immaculate Heart of Mary your ultimate coming from above as a descent into our humanity which reaches by this last coming, its fulfillment where all is attracted, joined, united, because God will always be all in all. Amen Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!