Novena to St. Joseph to Find a Job

Pray to St. Joseph, the patron saint of workers, asking Him for his intercession in finding a job for yourself, a loved one or a friend.


3 options to choose from:

*You are looking for a job: Ask a trusted friend to ‘sponsor' you in this novena by helping you with your prayer and encouraging you in your daily actions.

*A loved one or a friend is looking for a job: invite him/her to pray this novena with you. You will become a ‘sponsor' by encouraging him/her to pray with you and by helping in their daily actions.

*Pray secretly for someone you know who is looking for a job.

*Pray together:  the one looking for a job and the "sponsor". As Jesus said "where two or three are assembled in MY name, I am in their midst" (Matthew 18). Ask Jesus to give you the courage and perseverance necessary to keep praying every day of the novena.

The Key of this novena to St. Joseph, the Artisan

Contemplation is at the heart of this novena. In other words: “Help yourself and Heaven will help you”! Simply SURRENDER yourself to the grace of God through the intercession of St. Joseph, by letting your prayer time nourish and guide ALL of your daily efforts and actions to find a job that suits you.

Concretely, every day, you will receive: 

° An excerpt of the Gospel, that is to say, some personal advice from Jesus to guide you in your search for employment!

° A concrete action to do each day to find a job ( to put yourself under the best conditions to find the perfect job). The order of these actions should be respected.  

° Daily prayer to St. Joseph Artisan, patron of all workers

° One Our Father + one Hail Mary, then recite the invocation: St. Joseph, pray for us! 

Bonus: Try to go to confession and receive the Eucharist during the novena!

Program of the novena: 

. Day 1: “Let the dead bury the dead”- Luke 9:57 => Big start!

. Day 2: Parable of the foolish man-Luke 12:13-21=> what spurs me on to get up in the morning?

. Day 3: The treasure and the pearl- Matt. 13:44-48 => Defining my dream job!

. Day 4: Parable of the talents-Matt.25:14-30 => Operation CV

. Day 5: The house built on a rock- Matt.7:24-27 => Winning strategy

. Day 6: Parable of the sower- Mark. 4: 26-34 => Arming yourself for victory!

Day 7: Ask, knock, search- Matt.  7: 7-12 =>  On board!

. Day 8: The labourer of the last hour- Matt. 20: 1-16 => Never say never!

. Day 9:  The miraculous catch- John. 21: 1-19 => Victory at the end of the road! 

Leave your intention to Saint Joseph here!

Novena prayer


Joseph, Model of Labourers Good Saint Joseph, when God wanted a family for his Son, He looked among the labourers, and chose you along with Mary, demonstrating His esteem for human work. You put your heart into your work, and share your workshop with Jesus. Your work, like that of other humans, found new meaning in the presence of God. Sustain us in the hope of finding work when we are confronted with the desolation of unemployment. Counsel business leaders to create an equitable division of labour that is respectful of individuals, and promotes our growth and happiness. Help us to perform our work joyfully, conscientiously, fairly and honestly. Prepare our hearts to recognize your Son in our colleagues at work. Amen. (St. Joseph Oratory, Montreal, CANADA)