Nine days with the angels

For 9 days, let's pray with the angels! Who are they? How do they take care of us? What kind of relationship could we have with them?


Let's pray for nine days with the angels!

This novena, put together by Prier Magazine, invites you to:

  • Contemplate the nature of angels and open yourself to the invisible world.
  • Understand their role in God's plan and cooperate with their actions.
  • Open yourself to their influence and walk with them.

Each morning, you will receive:

  • A spiritual quote about the theme of the day.
  • A teaching to meditate.
  • A prayer, written by a Saint or a Pope. 

The detailed program of the novena:

Day 1: Creatures of the invisible world.

Day 2: A purely spiritual nature.

Day 3: The presence of Angels in Divine Liturgy.

Day 4: The Angels' fall, the man's fall.

Day 5: The upheaval of incarnation.

Day 6: The combatants of Apocalypse.

Day 7: The hosts of the cosmos.

Day 8: The hand of Providence.

Day 9: Living with my guardian angel. 

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Let's pray together!

God bless.

Leave your prayer intention here!

Novena prayer

Angel of God

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom His love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.