The Great Fast - Lent 2025

Rediscover the essence of Lent and draw closer to Christ through a transformative 40-day fast.


This Lent, we challenge you to reclaim the sacred discipline of daily fasting—a practice that, though unfashionable, remains as vibrant and fruitful as ever. Just as Our Lord fasted in the desert, preparing His heart for the mission that would change the world, we too must journey into this holy season with reverence and purpose.

The Norbertines invite you to take up the discipline of daily fasting, a sacred tradition that Holy Mother Church and her saints have practiced through the centuries. Through this practice, you will draw closer to Christ, strengthen your spirit, and find renewal in holiness.

Will you answer the call to make this Lent a profound time of transformation and renewal?

Prayer from the retreat

The Great Fast Morning Offering

Let us Pray, Stir up in me this day O Savior, by the merits of the mystery of your Fast in the Wilderness, the earnest desire and the effective will to choose to fast, and so repair my many falls, order my bodily appetites, and purify my mind. Unite me in the present struggle with all the Christian penitents throughout the world who will pass this day in self-denial. By this holy observance increase my hunger for the delights of the banquet of the Lamb below under the sacramental signs, and finally above in the vision of Your Blessed Face. Amen.