Grow in Virtue with St. Joseph
Grow in virtue by asking St. Joseph for his protection, guidance & intercession. We will meditate on quotes from the Saints pray the Litany of St. Joseph daily!
St. Joseph should be our model for loving Our Lord & Our Lady. As the head of the Holy Family, we turn to him as a father-figure, asking him to guide and lead us on our journey closer to Jesus through Mary.
As we prepare our hearts to grow in virtue during the 9 months of Mary's pregnancy, we must not forget the special role St. Joseph plays in God's plan for our salvation.
Join us each day of this retreat for a small quote along with "The Litany of St. Joseph". At the end of each session, we simply ask St. Joseph to make us more like him by praying a "Hail Joseph" for an increase in virtue.
You may join one, some, many, or even ALL of our retreats! We are here to meet you wherever you are in your prayer life and spiritual journey in a way that is simple yet meaningful.
For more information please visit
“Go, then to Joseph, and do all that he shall say to you;
Go to Joseph, and obey him as Jesus and Mary obeyed him;
Go to Joseph, and speak to him as they spoke to him;
Go to Joseph, and consult him as they consulted him;
Go to Joseph, and honor him as they honored him;" // St. Alphonsus Liguori //