The real archangel Gabriel

I am the real archangel Gabriel the firstborn of all creation so let me tell you what I know!!!!


I am the real archangel Gabriel so let me tell you about myself ...I am firstborn of all creation forged in the big bang 14billion years ago and I'm the God of keyholes and God of thunder technically the 4th God in the universe and Emperor of heaven and earth and messanger of the covenant sent to testify of the Rapture (First Resurrection) and the end Trumpet is time and when Jesus comes to take us to heaven I will divide the times...there are 6 other archangels and 10chief kings and 200million earth angels on earth plus God himself is on earth and we are here to unite the souls  of this world in Christ Jesus so that we can go to our heavenly home!!!!

Prayer from the community

My prayer

Dear good kind merciful loving heavenly omnipotent Father we bow our heads in prayer to you with thanks and praises In your midst and say thank you for another day that we can share in your glory and blessings for thou art great in love for us!!!! Please watch over our friends and family and also the sick and suffering in hospitals grant them healing and comfort. Father we pray also for those who have passed on before us please bless them always as they do your work in the eternity realms and may many souls come to repentance!!!!! Father we ask for you to shorten the times for Jesus to come back and find us worthy to go to heaven!!!!! We ask this not because we deserve it or earned it but in your Sons name Jesus Christ.......Amen.