Novena to the Holy Spirit

Pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit with the Congregation of the Holy Spirit leading up to Pentecost.

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Join with us to deepen your connection with the Holy Spirit in the time leading up to Pentecost. 

Each Day of the Novena, you will receive:

  • A short reflection about one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit 
  • A Short Prayer 
  • An Invitation to pray the Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit and the Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Novena Themes

Day 1: The Holy Spirit

Day 2: The Gift of Fear

Day 3: The Gift of Piety

Day 4: The Gift of Fortitude

Day 5: The Gift of Fortitude

Day 6: The Gift of Understanding

Day 7: The Gift of Counsel

Day 8: The Gift of Wisdom

Day 9: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Who are the Spiritans

The U.S. Spiritans are a part of a Roman Catholic religious congregation founded in France On Pentecost in 1703 called the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. Today we have more than 2,500 priests, brothers, and lay members around the world.

We are dedicated to the Holy Spirit, author of all holiness and source of the apostolic spirit. We place ourselves under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who as filled be yond measure by the same Spirit with the fullness of holiness and apostolic zeal. Our Motto is Cor Unum et Anima Una - One Heart and One Spirit. 

Prayer from the novena

Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Christ Jesus, before ascending into heaven, you promised to send the Holy Spirit to your apostles and disciples. Grant that that same Spirit may perfect in our lives the work of your grace and love. Grant us the Spirit of Wisdom that we may aspire to the things that last forever; the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten our minds with the light of your truth; the Spirit of Counsel that we may choose the surest way of doing your will, seeking first the Kingdom; the Spirit of Fortitude that we may bear our cross with you and, with courage, overcome the obstacles that interfere with our salvation; the Spirit of Knowledge that we may know you and know ourselves and grow in holiness; the Spirit of Piety that we may find peace and fulfillment in the service of God while serving others; the Spirit of Fear that we may be filled with a loving reverence toward you. Teach us to be your faithful disciples and animate us in every way with your Spirit. Amen.