Meditating the Divine Office

This community includes thoughts and reflections about the reading in Lauds, an hour that is part of the Liturgy of the Hours.


This community includes daily reflections and thoughts on the Liturgy of the Hours, specifically in Lauds (Morning Prayer). 

This community is an encouragement for everyone to pray the Liturgy of the Hours regularly and meditate on the words mentioned in it. This community can also help with one's prayer routine in life. 

"We need to pray to God, not to make known to him our needs or desires but that we ourselves may be reminded of the necessity of having recourse to God's help in these matters." Summa Theologiae, II-II:83:2

What is the Liturgy of the Hours?

Liturgy of the Hours is a liturgy, unlike the liturgy of the Eucharist, that you yourselves are celebrating. It's not virtual, it's really your liturgy, and it's really a liturgical act of the church. It's not simply a private prayer, it is truly an act of the church's public worship. 

This Liturgy contains five hours during the day: Office of Readings, Lauds (Morning Prayer), Daytime prayer, Vespers (Evening Prayer), and Compline (Night Prayer). 

This community will be mainly using Lauds. The Divine Office arose from the command of Jesus to “pray always.” Priests and religious are required to follow this by reading and meditating on each day with certain psalms, hymns, prayers, and biblical passages. This practice goes back to the times of the apostles. It assures there is an unceasing chorus of prayer from the Church to God.

How do you pray the Liturgy of the Hours?

This Link will provide instructions for how to pray the Liturgy of the hours.

Prayer from the community

Morning prayer Recitation

May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen