Novena for the Immaculate Conception - The Life of Our Lady

Join the priests of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest with this audio novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception following the life of Our Lady.

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Join this novena to the Immaculate Conception as opportunity to deepen your faith, seek divine guidance, and connect with a community of like-minded believers.

This spiritual journey, consisting of nine days of prayer and reflection, allows you to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and seek her intercession for your intentions. By participating in this sacred tradition, you can experience a sense of renewal, peace, and a stronger connection to your faith. 

The focus will be The Life of Our Lady, expressed through the Marian feast days throughout the liturgical year.

From November the 30th to December the 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, receive 9 days of prayer.

The Programme

Everyday for 9 days receive an audio meditation with a concluding prayer.

Day 1 Nativity

Day 2 Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Day 3 Presentation

Day 4 Annunciation

Day 5 Visitation

Day 6 Purification

Day 7 Our Lady of Sorrows

Day 8 Assumption

Day 9 Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Click on join to receive the 9 days of prayer.

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

The mission of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is to spread the reign of Christ in all spheres of human life by drawing from the millennial treasury of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly her liturgical tradition, the unbroken line of spiritual thought and practice of her saints, and her cultural patrimony in music, art and architecture.

The Institute accomplishes this primarily through a solid and well-rounded formation of its priests, rooted in Catholic tradition and carried out at its international seminary in the Archdiocese of Florence.

Our priests, conscious of the need for their own sanctification, strive to be instruments of God's grace through their apostolic work discharged in the churches assigned to the Institute, its schools, its missions in Africa, by preaching retreats, teaching catechesis, and providing spiritual guidance.

The Institute of Christ the King operates under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception, to Whom it is consecrated.

Click here to discover us further.

Novena prayer

Novena Prayer to the Immaculate Conception

O Most Holy Virgin who was pleasing to God and didst become His Mother. Immaculate in thy body, in thy soul, in thy faith and in thy love, we beseech thee to look graciously upon the wretched who implore thy powerful protection. The wicked serpent, against whom the primal curse was hurled, continues nonetheless to wage war and to lay snares for the unhappy children of Eve. Ah, do thou, our blessed Mother, our Queen and Advocate, who from the first instant of thy conception didst crush the head of our enemy, receive the prayers that we unite single-heartedly to thine and conjure thee to offer at the throne of God, that we may never fall into the snares that are laid for us, in such wise that we may all come to the haven of salvation; and in the midst of so many dangers may holy Church and the fellowship of Christians everywhere sing once more the hymn of deliverance, victory and peace. Amen.