9 Days of Prayer to Saint Michael with St Michael's Abbey

Take 9 days to pray for the intercession of St. Michael Archangel, and ask for his protection. Ask St Michael for help fighting your spiritual battles! Also available in Audio.


For 9 days, ask St Michael Archangel to defend and protect you.

And now war broke out in heaven, when Michael with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven.

Revelation 12:7-8

He has fought and still fights against Satan and will be of great aid to you!

The programme

Everyday for 9 days receive:

  • A quote from a Church Father, Doctor of the Faith or a Saint 🪔
  • Quotes from scriptures 📖
  • The prayer to St Michael ⚔
  • A concluding prayer to Saint Michael 🙏

You can pray on your phone, computer, with the App, website or by receiving emails.

  • Day 1: St. Michael the Archangel 
  • Day 2: Defend us in Battle
  • Day 3: Be our protection
  • Day 4: May God rebuke the devil
  • Day 5: We humbly pray
  • Day 6: Prince of Heavenly Host
  • Day 7: The Power of God
  • Day 8: Cast into hell satan 
  • Day 9: The ruin (or salvation) of souls

Who are we?

St Michael's Abbey, Farnborough was built in the 1880s by the Empress Eugenie, the widow of the Emperor Napoleon III of France. Its crypt serves as the Imperial Mausoleum fo rate Imperial couple and their son Louis, Prince Imperial who died aged 23 in the Zulu campaign in 1879. On the beams of the apse above the High Altar the text (painted in French) reads: ‘St Michael our glorious patron, intercede before God for France and for England.'

 The abbey is on the brow of a hill, as are many churches dedicated to St Michael. It is also fitting that a French church, albeit deep in England in Hampshire, should be dedicated to a saint who has long been one of the patrons of France. And since monasteries are places associated with silence and with spiritual warfare, the great St Michael is a very appropriate saint for a Benedictine house.

 The Abbey is home to a small and young community of Benedictine monks who live. traditional life of prayer work and study in accordance with the ancient Rule of St Benedict, within the Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation of the Order. Their main work in there daily chanting of the Divine Office which they do throughout each day  in traditional Latin and Gregorian chant.

Click here to find out more.

See a video of the Solemn Monastic Profession of Dom Stanislaus Michal Mycka OSB

Prayer from the novena


O everlasting God, who hast ordained and constituted the services of Angels and men in a wonderful order: Mercifully grant that, as thy holy Angels alway do thee service in heaven, so by thy appointment they may succour and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.