Novena to Saint Joseph the Worker

Join us for 9 days of written and audio prayers to Saint Joseph the Worker with Father Joseph Evans!


Pray to Saint Joseph!

St. Joseph the Worker will help you in your work.

Pray this novena to deepen your understanding of work through St Joseph with the help of Father Joseph Evans.

St. Joseph is one of the few saints to have two feasts on the calendar: 19 March, which is his main feast, and 1 May. For the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, Instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1955, Catholics are invited to contemplate the worker Joseph.

The programme

Every day for 9 days receive in written and audio form meditations by father Joseph Evans:

  • Day 1: The Value of Work
  • Day 2: Giving work meaning
  • Day 3: Working for love
  • Day 4: Working with a spirit of service
  • Day 5: Working with faith
  • Day 6: Growing in virtue through work
  • Day 7: Witnessing through work
  • Day 8: Joseph the gentleman
  • Day 9: Joseph – a model in all and for all

Father Joseph Evans

These three days of meditations were graciously written by Fr Joseph Evans. Fr Joe is a priest of Opus Dei and chaplain to Greygarth Hall in Manchester.

He also runs Adamah Media and 10 minutes with Jesus.

Click on the links below to find out more:

Greygarth Hall

Opus Dei

Adamah Media

10 minutes with Jesus

Click Join to receive the prayers

And Click here to leave your prayer intention.

Novena prayer

Glory be

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.