To Be An Apostle Of Divine Mercy

This five day retreat is to help us to live out the message of the Divine Mercy in our daily life and become the apostles of Divine Mercy.

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Join us for this five day retreat celebrating the Divine Mercy to spread it to those around you. The retreat starts on Divine Mercy Sunday and ends on Thursday 20th April. We want to invite you to become an apostle of mercy through accepting evermore, God's mercy in your own life.

We have chosen to be guided by some aspects of St Faustina's life, who was the exemplary apostle of mercy. By listening to her and to God's word, we encourage you to take on your personal project of spreading God's mercy around you.

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The Programme

Everyday for 5 days receive:

  • A quote from St Faustina's Diary

  • Reflection and  daily practical points for becoming an apostle of mercy

  • A prayer to conclude

The Community of our Lady of Walsingham

As a contemplative ecclesial family of men and women

We promote a vocational culture

In the Church and in society.

Rooted in the Carmelite tradition

We search for deep inner transformation

So as to radiate Gospel values...

To discover their website, click here.

Prayer from the retreat

Eternal Father

Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.