Lenten Retreat with Pope Francis

The season of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, is the start of our journey to the joy of Easter, a 'long retreat' in which we can listen to the Word of God.

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Why Join?

The 2022 Twitter Lent Tracker revealed that top of the 'giving up for Lent chart' was alcohol, closely followed by Twitter itself.

But Lent is not a 40-day diet challenge. It is a new beginning. "Lent is the favourable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in his word, in the sacraments, and in our neighbour" (Pope Francis)

The Programme

Every Sunday and Wednesday in Lent and everyday in Holy Week a series of meditations and questions for reflection, linked to Pope Francis' Message for Lent, will be posted to help us prepare for the joy of the Resurrection.

Liam Kelly

Liam Kelly works at Ampleforth Abbey and is a member of the Hospitality Team.

He has a written a number of books, most recently Lent in 50 Moments, a series of reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Wednesday. 

Come and See at Ampleforth Abbey: https://www.ampleforthabbey.org.uk/retreats

Retreat prayer

A Lenten Prayer

Lord God, you sent your Son into the world with no other certainty but that he had to suffer and to die. He fulfilled his mission to the end and in this way he became a source of life and joy. We ask you to perfect our joy and let the world see by the witness of our faith that he is living here among us everywhere on earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.