For Peace in the Family with Joseph and His Brothers

Pray for peace in your family for 9 days with this novena. In Genesis, the story of Joseph and his brothers is quite astonishing, and it can help you!


Why Join?

Family is can be one of our greatest strengths as it can be source of some of our greatest trials.

Joseph had a lot of trouble with his family, notably his brothers... they sold him into slavery!

Prayer can help and will help your family!

Pray for Peace in your family!

Joseph is one of twelve brothers. He is his father's favourite, and his brothers are jealous of him; he also has prophetic dreams, which sound to them like boasting.

They plan to kill him, but instead at the last minute he is sold into slavery in Egypt. There his masters find him invaluable, and he rises to be adviser to Pharaoh himself. This means he is able to give his brothers food when famine comes; and their reconciliation brings safety to the whole people of Israel.

The programme

Every day, for nine days receive:

  • A quote from the Bible 📖
  • A meditation 🪔
  • State your intention daily ✝
  • A prayer to conclude the day 🙏

Click on JOIN to pray the 9 days


This novena comes from the Catholic Truth Society book Handbook of Scriptural Novenas.

The Catholic Truth Society is a unique Catholic Charity publishing non-stop since 1868. With its mission to communicate the truths of the Catholic faith, CTS is one of the oldest and most inspiring Catholic organisations existing today.

Click on JOIN to pray the 9 days

Novena prayer

Glory be

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.