Discerning and accepting our vocation with Moses

What is your vocation? You can follow God's call as a single person, married person, ordained priest or a vowed religious. Follow in the steps of Moses to discover and accept your vocation.


Why Join?

Knowing your vocation so as to be able to follow God's plan for you is probably one the greatest questions you will ever have to ask yourself.

Besides Abraham, Moses is perhaps the clearest example Scripture gives of God acting in one man's life. Moses is a reluctant prophet; but he accepts, eventually, that God has a purpose for him, and follows his call even though it sometimes looks to him, and to others, like plain lunacy.

He is not a plaster saint - he is angry, impatient, mistrustful of God and himself, prone to doubt; yet he also trusts that God will fulfill his promises, and so becomes the means for God to achieve literally incredible things.

The Programme

Every day, for nine days receive:

  • A quote from the Bible 📖
  • A meditation 🪔
  • A daily prayer where you will state your intention✝
  • A prayer to conclude the day 🙏

Click on JOIN to pray the 9 days

To prepare yourself fully:

Read these passages from scripture recounting Moses life

  • Exodus chapter 1 to 20 and chapter 32 to 34
  • The book of Deuteronomy

About CTS

This novena comes from the Catholic Truth Society book Handbook of Scriptural Novenas.

The Catholic Truth Society is a unique Catholic Charity publishing non-stop since 1868. With its mission to communicate the truths of the Catholic faith, CTS is one of the oldest and most inspiring Catholic organisations existing today.

Click on JOIN to pray the 9 days

Novena prayer

Glory be

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.